Pride and Joy

Pride and Joy

There aren’t a lot of novels about hospital management.  A “business novel about a struggling hospital, Pride and Joy takes the reader through a journey of discovery into why good people with good intent struggle to achieve a breakthrough in performance”.  Alex Knight  is a management consultant who uses the Theory of Constraints; “a belief … Read more

The Kingsmill Review: Taking Care

Summary and recommendations of the independent report into working conditions in the Care Sector By Baroness Denise Kingsmill CBE. Care matters. People receiving care need support to live comfortably and independently. Older and disabled people might need extra help to prepare meals and bathe, they might need a prompt to take vital medication, and they … Read more

Ed Miliband’s speech on Labour health policy

Full text of the speech It has never been more important than now to have a proper plan for the future of our NHS: Our plan for the future of the NHS starts by making sure that services that have stood apart for too long work together: We need to act to sort out people’s … Read more

Proposals for charging

Motions submitted to the BMA Local Medical Committees UK Conference 2014 27 To be proposed by WILTSHIRE That conference: (i) believes that general practice is unsustainable in its current format (ii) believes that it is no longer viable for general practice to provide all patients with all NHS services free at the point of delivery … Read more

Proposed amendments to Stability and Prosperity

These amendments relate to the Stability and Prosperity consultation document.   They are merely ideas at present.  Nobody has agreed them. Page 4 line 8 insert “We want to see a community in which power, wealth and opportunity are in the hands of the many not the few and where the rights we enjoy reflect the … Read more

Proposed amendments to Labour Public Health Policy

The document to which these amendments relate  is on the Your Britain website.  At present these are merely proposals the Association is considering.  They are not yet agreed. Page 10 Line 15 insert “We will make healthy choices easier by ensuring that the financial incentives and taxation system supports affordable healthy products such as fresh … Read more

Proposed amendments to Stronger, Safer Communities

These amendments relate to the Stronger, Safer Communities consultation document.   They are merely ideas at present.  Nobody has agreed them. Page 4 line 16 insert “Labour will tackle the problem of under-occupation by taxing empty property and removing the tax incentives which encourage investment in property for rent”. Page 5 Line 3 insert “Inequality … Read more

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Proposed amendments to Work and Business

These amendments relate to the Work and Business Policy Consultation. They are merely ideas at present.  Nobody has agreed them. We may wish to support the Labour Party Disabled Members Group policy proposals Page 3 Line 45 Insert : “One Nation Labour will build an economy which creates sustainable economic growth in every region of … Read more

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Proposed amendments to Education and Children

These amendments relate to the Education and Children consultation document. They are just ideas. They haven’t been agreed by anyone. Page 7 Line 21 insert “Good health education should be strengthened as part of the curriculum, with parents and families encouraged to participate.” Line 41 insert “Schools will be incentivised to ensure that all pupils who … Read more

Proposed amendments to Britain’s Global Role

These amendments relate to the Britain’s Global Role consultation document. Page 5 Delete last paragraph Line 39 insert “Challenges to high levels of health status can increasingly arise from factors external to the UK. These include the ongoing need to control or contain contagious diseases now more easily transported around the world, and the need to … Read more

Proposed amendments to Living Standards and Sustainability

These amendments relate to the Living Standards and Sustainability consultation document.   They are merely ideas at present.  Nobody has agreed them. Page 3 Line 42 Delete “includes” insert “prioritises” Insert new heading “Transport and health ” Insert “Traffic accidents are higher in more disadvantaged and urban areas (particularly amongst children and outside schools) – … Read more

Proposed amendments to Better Politics

These proposals relate to the Better Politics Policy Consultation document.  They are merely proposals. They are not agreed by anyone at present. Page 4. line 24 insert. “People who have more control over their own lives and work are healthier.  Taking part in any community activity is a vital way of protecting and improving mental … Read more

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