Consultation on local authority health scrutiny

Consultation on local authority health scrutiny

This consultation on local authority health scrutiny runs until 7 September 2012 The changes proposed in this consultation will update the arrangements and regulations for local authority health scrutiny and help to ensure that the interests of patients and the public are at the heart of the planning, delivery and reconfiguration of health services. The consultation seeks … Read more

The impact of national welfare reforms on Wolverhampton, alongside other disruptive factors, 2011-2017

Summary The welfare reform agenda in 2011-2017 from government will combine with unexpectedly austere economic conditions and associated cuts to the voluntary sector and legal aid. Over 100,000 existingWolverhamptonwelfare claims will be converted to a new super-benefit, many existing payment levels being reduced, and all capped at £500 per household per week. A total sum … Read more

Labour’s National Policy Forum

Report from the June 2012 meeting of Labour’s National Policy Forum John Cruddas on the policy challenge

How can services be made more accountable to patients, public and staff?

Part of our response to the Labour Party Policy consultation June 2012 Commissioners elected by local people and required to be responsive (we need to distinguish the how from the what; the latter is a matter for national debate and decision in terms of the coverage the NHS offers but how that coverage is delivered can be … Read more

How can the NHS promote better mental health and well-being across the population?

Part of our response to the Labour Party Policy consultation June 2012 At the least, ensure that there is good, safe medical cover on psychiatric wards. There is almost none now. Support more work on services for patients with unexplained medical conditions. If we can get this right, we will reduce Outpatient demand significantly. As far as … Read more

How can we better extend services to hard to reach families and communities?

Part of our response to the Labour Party Policy consultation June 2012 Use community development approaches wherever you can. In the Clinical Commissioning Group , in the Local Authority , in Health Watch and in the Health and Wellbeing Board. Community development has a long and effective track record. The Party needs to champion it across primary … Read more

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Labour Party Policy consultation June 2012

We have produced a submission after wide consultation among the members and friends of the Association. It does not represent an agreed view on the Party’s health policies, as members disagree on some issues, and the time allowed for this process has not permitted resolution of these disagreements.  We don’t think that all the important issues … Read more

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A new health policy for Labour

We can’t just campaign against the Government.  We need a positive vision as well.  The NHS was pretty good in 2010, but it wasn’t perfect, and Lansley is right when he says the NHS needs to change.  We don’t think the Government’s changes will help.  In fact we think they will, over time, ruin our … Read more

Andy Burnham on risks to the NHS

NHS Dentistry: A Strategy For 2000 And Beyond

Executive Summary In anticipation of the Government’s intention to develop a strategy for NHS dentistry, the Socialist Health Association has produced its own proposals for radically improving NHS dental care. The aim is to re-establish dentistry as a fully integrated part of the NHS meeting the needs of the population.   Our proposals are rooted in … Read more

Health 2000 — SHA’s Response

Introduction The Socialist Health Association welcomes the Labour Party’s consultation document Health 2000 — the health and wealth of the nation in the 21st century. The following points, many of which are made in Health 2000, should in our view be spelt out in any subsequent policy document, dealing with health and social care. A … Read more

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Response to the Tomlinson Report

The Socialist Health Association starts from the premise that health services should be planned to meet health needs.  Services for Londoners should be planned by a single strategic health authority for Greater London.  Londoners need access to high quality primary and community services and to a network of district general hospital services, comprising general medical, … Read more