Protecting the NHS

Keep Campaigning to protect the NHS!

The materials below are provided for campaigners on the NHS and health issues. We own the copyright of the cartoons and we are happy to give you permission to use our material so long as you notify us and acknowledge the source. There are of course plenty of other organisations producing material you can use. Please let us know if you know of other useful stuff.

Sites which are useful for organising or publicising events and have lots of briefing material:

What do doctors think about NHS Reform?

The battleground, marginal constituencies where the next general Election will be decided.

Public Opinion

Can satisfaction with the NHS get any higher? December 2011

A GFK/NOP poll has found that the public oppose the government’s plan for GPs to take control of £80bn of the NHS budget. The survey of a 1000 people, carried out for the NHS Support Federation found that two thirds (65%) did not want GPs to extend their duties beyond medical matters and take on the buying of care from local hospitals.

The poll was carried out by GFK/NOP and organised by Prof Colin Francome on behalf of the Federation between 4TH – 6TH MARCH 2011, it asked 1000 adults aged 16+ the following:

The government is proposing that doctors should not concentrate solely on medical matters, but should also take on a role in organising payments for hospital care. Do you agree or disagree with this change? In response 27% agreed, 65% disagreed, 7% answered don’t know.

NHS staff survey finds big concerns over NHS reform June 2011

The New NHS

Competition in health



NHS for Sale – script for a bit of street theatre

Don’t Stich Me Up – words and music

The Liverpool Socialist Singers are available to liven up events! They don’t insist on singing in a cathedral – they will do railway stations, hospitals and public places.


Dr Jonathan Tomlinson has collected a load of useful campaigning videos on our Youtube channel

The Andrew Lansley rap. Its a bit rude