

Would the national health service survive 2 terms of conservative government asks Andy Burnham? The’re is a fork in the road. Fragmentation. End of national pay. That is what markets deliver, not the integration we need. Stephen Dorrell says what Andy wants is the only way integration with social care and housing. But denies that … Read more

Labour Party Policy consultation

The full documents – on the Labour Party website Submissions received by the 8 June will be made available to NPF representatives from the relevant division ahead of the meeting on 16/17 June. Submissions received after this date will go to the relevant policy commission for consideration post-NPF. These are the questions on health to which … Read more

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Developing Labour Health Policy

Notes from discussions at our conference on 11th May 2012 Ruth Thorlby’s presentation Developing Labour Health Policy: what does the evidence tell us? from Socialist Health Association NB these are notes from discussion groups,  they are not the agreed policy of anyone. Not patients – public Health Watch needs to demonstrate it involves the public … Read more

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Transparency in public services

Martha Payne’s inspiring blog about her school dinners, NeverSeconds  shows how to improve health services for no cost. Just show people what the service is like.

Patient Experience

Part of our response to the Labour Party Policy consultation June 2012 Stop getting distracted by the NHS market. It has not yielded the benefits it was intended to over the last 20 years and an effective “commissioning function” remains as elusive as ever. Gather patient experience of their care Use national and international data to … Read more

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Communities, power and health

Report on our seminar February 2013 chaired by Sally Brearley Chair of the Nursing and Care Quality Forum Jeremy Taylor Chief Executive, National Voices. Jeremy’s Manifesto for Patients: Patients are whole people, not just body parts.  They demand dignity, respect and compassion. They want services that actually join up around them, not just shared budgets.  Patients are citizens … Read more

Patient voices in the new NHS

Community Health Councils were set up in 1974 when  community  health services were moved from local authorities into the NHS.  During the 28 years of their existence they developed confidence in challenging the NHS locally and nationally.  In 2002 CHCs were abolished as part of the NHS Plan. No explanation was forthcoming, but those involved … Read more

Care UK’s self-pay charges

Care UK sees an opportunity to make money out of NHS rationing decisions Charges advertised to doctors for people not eligible for NHS treatment: Richard Blogger’s articles about NHS hospitals doing private work

The Doctor won’t see you now: Patients locked out of Cameron’s NHS

This is NHS Check report no 2 originally published by Labour’s Shadow Health Team in  July  2012 Revealed: New evidence shows patient care is suffering as a result of another NHS broken promise by David Cameron Patients struggle for appointments as GP practices end evening and weekend opening and walk-in centres close A&e visits increase by 1 … Read more

Cameron’s forgotten patients

This is NHS Check report no 4 originally published by Labour’s Shadow Health Team in  November 2012


  • An estimated 52,000 patients in England were denied treatment and kept off NHS waiting lists last  year due to cost-based restrictions
  • Official statistics show huge fall in operations in the eight treatments most commonly subject to new restrictions
  • Overall, 47 PCTs in England have restricted one or more of the eight treatments
  • Patients left in pain, discomfort, unable to work or paying to go private as cataract, varicose vein and carpal tunnel syndrome operations all affected
  • Evidence of accelerating postcode lottery across nhs in england undermines claims by ministers that rationing by cost is not happening

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Revealed: Full Extent Of Cameron’s Health Lottery

This is NHS Check report no 1 originally published by Labour’s Shadow Health Team in  June 2012

Crude, random rationing by health bodies goes far wider and deeper than first believed with 125 previously-free treatments restricted or even stopped altogether in last two years.

Labour uncovers new evidence to show:

  •           restrictions are linked to arbitrary caps and cost – despite  Ministers’ claims;
  •           restrictions are being introduced which diverge from NICE  guidelines;
  •           restrictions cover a number of serious treatments affecting patients’ levels of pain, mobility and quality of life;
  •           22 treatments or services stopped altogether by at least one  PCT/CCG;
  •           patients in parts of England left facing charges for essential  treatments such as cataracts, knee surgery and hip    replacements.

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NHS For Beginners Syllabus

The NHS For Beginners project is intended to help more people get involved in their local NHS. Most people have very little idea about how the NHS is organised.  We plan to run classes across England directed at people who are not currently involved in the NHS.  We will do our best to be factual and … Read more