The voice of experience

The voice of experience

We do our best to share the experience of our members with the Labour Party

Health inequalities in Scotland and England: the translation of ideas between research and policy

Brief summary of research findings Dr. Katherine Smith University of Edinburgh Aims: This project set out to study the relationship between the mass of research on health inequalities in the UK and the policy responses which emerged in Scotland and England between 1997 and 2007, a period in which official commitments were made in both countries … Read more

Labour Party Policy for Disabled People

Labour Party Policy for Disabled People Discussion paper by Liam Byrne & Anne McGuire  asks: We have to ask how do local councils, the DWP and where needed the NHS, come together to offer one assessment of the health, social care, benefits and back to work support that disabled people might need? The right to health; to be skilled and knowledgeable; … Read more

Labour Party Contemporary Motions 2012

The Association, or any affiliated organisation, can submit a motion to the Labour Party Conference.  The deadline is 21st September and it’s got to be under 250 words, and adressing a topic which has arisen since 31st July. We’ve put together a proposed approach to future health policy: Improving the Health of the Nation; a policy … Read more

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How much sugar do Americans consume?

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Europäisches Manifest gegen die Kommerzialisierung des Gesundheitswesens

Health professionals erheben ihre Stimme – Kurzfassung Die Organisation des Gesundheitswesens ist eine öffentliche Aufgabe. Als Gesundheitsprofessionelle sind wir damit betraut, die Krankheiten unserer PatientInnen zu diagnostizieren, zu behandeln und nach Möglichkeit zu verhüten. Wir sollten diese Aufgabe ohne Ansehen der Person wahrnehmen. Eine Unterordnung unter vorwiegend ökonomischen Kriterien hindert uns diese Aufgaben zu erfüllen: … Read more

Hinchingbrooke test case for privatisation

Ali Parsa, Chief Executive of Circle is amazingly charismatic. He’s also an impressive public relations operator. His admirers claim Hinchinbrooke test case for privatisation. Circle’s claim to be a mutual or a co-operative are disputed. Its claims to be a social enterprise are harder to contest because there appears to be no agreed definition of what that … Read more

The Health Effects of Unemployment

Thanks to  Julian Beeton of Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust for the design and  Meic Goodyear Public Health Lewisham for the content. Reproduced by permission Job insecurity contributes to poor health Job insecurity was associated with significant increases in self reported poor health, depression, and anxiety. Paid work confers health benefits, but poor quality jobs which combine several psychosocial … Read more

Labour should support personal health budgets

Vidhya Alakeson  at the Resolution Foundation thinks Labour should support personal health budgets RCGP paper on personal health budgets Independent evaluation of the personal health budget pilot programme Some people see personal budgets as the end of the NHS as we know it.  I think if they think Lansley plans to give all patients  a personal … Read more

Life Expectancy at birth in London

WHAT THE MAP PLOTS The life expectancy at birth of those living within a 200m radius of each London Underground, London Overground and Docklands Light Railway (DLR) station The rank of each London ward on the spectrum of Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index The full map

Manipulating waiting lists

Bernie Creaven, executive director of  BMI Meriden Hospital, Coventry  ordered an immediate four-week postponement of operations on NHS patients referred to the hospital, which will be extended to a minimum of eight weeks by September. In a letter to the hospital’s consultants dated 13 July, seen by The Independent, Ms Creaven said the imposed delays were … Read more

Johanna Baxter’s report on new Labour Policy process:

The creation of a new ‘Policy Hub’ – an online home for our policy making process, where members and the public can read papers, make submissions and amendments, read others’ ideas, and respond to them. This would be caveated to ensure that it was clear not all of these views reflected party policy. A greater … Read more