Jeremy Corbyn

Jeremy Corbyn

You might have heard our new leader  Jeremy Corbyn thanking us for nominating him in his acceptance speech on Saturday. We’ve had a letter this morning repeating his thanks and saying: “Health is key. Central to this must be the repeal of Health and Social Care Act and an end to the internal market and … Read more

Labour Leadership and health

What do the candidates have to say about health?  In a word, rather less than you might expect, given how central the NHS has been to Labour Party campaigning. Jeremy Corbyn Corbyn was a member of a health authority before he was an MP. Nothing seems to be published about this. He wants a ‘fully-funded NHS, integrated … Read more

Doctors for the NHS

The NHS Consultants’ Association changed its name last year to make it clear that all doctors, not just consultants, were welcome to join. They campaign for the restoration of the NHS as a publicly funded, publicly provided and publicly accountable service. This means the abandonment in England of the market based policies of the last 20 … Read more

Accessible Information Standard

A long-awaited information standard was launched on July 3 by NHS England that will improve healthcare for millions of people has been welcomed by Action on Hearing Loss (formerly RNID). The standard requires all NHS and adult social care organisations to meet the communication needs of people with a disability, impairment or sensory loss by … Read more

Labour Leadership Poll

We asked our members who the Socialist Health Association should support in the leadership campaign. 143 members voted. Jeremy Corbyn was the clear winner.  Overwhelming on first preference, not so overwhelming when 2nd, 3rd and 4th preferences are taken into account. Tom Watson was the choice for Deputy Leader. We have therefore submitted supporting nominations for … Read more

Labour Leadership Poll

This poll is restricted to members of the Association. It is open until midnight on Sunday 5th July. Cast your vote

Did the NHS win or lose the election?

The Labour Party has claimed political ownership of the NHS since 1946.  We like to forget that Beveridge was  a Liberal and that the wartime coalition government produced a plan for a National Health Service in 1944.  And that the real founder of the Welfare State was Lloyd-George. Since 1983  politicians have been competing to demonstrate that “The … Read more

DevoManc official briefing

This document is from the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and outlines their intentions. The Greater Manchester Devolution Agreement was settled with Government in November 2014, building on Greater Manchester Strategy development.  It includes powers over areas such as transport, planning and housing – and a new elected mayor. Ambition for £22 billion handed to Greater Manchester … Read more

Suggestions for a strategy

It’s clear that campaigning on the NHS did not have the desired effect in the 2015 General Election.  A majority of voters said that the NHS was a very important issue to them, but voters in Conservative areas were clearly not convinced by the arguments put forward which centred around the dangers of privatisation.  We … Read more

How did the NHS affect voting?

Lord Ashcroft conducted a poll of 12,000 people on 8th May asking people why they had voted as they did.  It is informative stuff, well worth reading in full. Those who voted Conservative said the most important factors were: the party had the best available Prime Minister they liked the Tories’ motives and values they preferred the Tories’ … Read more

Charlotte Church:

“the NHS is under threat of being carved up and sold off”

The NHS debate

Jeremy Hunt, Andy Burnham, Norman Lamb and Julia Reid. King’s Fund organised the debate chaired by the BBC’s Sarah Montague.