SHA endorsement when standing for office

“A free Health Service is a triumphant example of the superiority of collective action and public initiative applied to a segment of society where commercial principles are seen at their worst” – Aneurin Bevan

“We need the publicly provided, complete health service operating in the context of a functioning welfare state which holistically addresses the social determinants of health.”SHA In Place of Profit Report.

The SHA may endorse members of the Association in standing for office.
Candidates do need to support the objects listed in our constitution:


The objects of the Organisation are:
a) To work for a Socialist, fully free, fully comprehensive, fully publicly funded, fully publicly provided, and fully publicly run national health and social care service of the highest standard, both preventative and curative, in the United Kingdom.
b) To provide means by which those concerned about health may assist in formulating Socialist health programmes and policies for the Labour Party.
c) To provide information and policy on health and social care issues to the public, the Labour Party, and public bodies within resource constraints and as agreed by Central Council.
d) To demonstrate the relationship between environmental conditions, poverty, inequality, access to transport, and ill health, and to work for improvements in economic, housing, transport, nutritional, industrial, and environmental conditions.
e) To promote and disseminate the principles of Socialism, that is, the common ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange.
f) To assist in the election of Socialists to public bodies and positions within the Labour Party.
g) To establish relations with and offer mutual assistance to Socialists in other countries, including without limitation Socialist members of health and social care services.
h) To work for the extension of democracy into the health and social care service.
i) To work with other organisations insofar as is considered necessary or expedient in the achievement of the above objectives.
j) To do anything considered necessary to, expedient in or incidental to the achievement of the above objectives.

  • If you would like our endorsement, are a member and sign up to our objects please email and we will confirm endorsement. 
  • The SHA, as a Labour affliate, is only able to endorse candidates representing the Labour / Co-operative Party. 
  • Should more than one candidate meet these requirements SHA Officers may consult with our members in the relevant CLP.
