2015 Bevan Prize for Health and Wellbeing


The Bevan Foundation is delighted to announce the third annual Bevan Prize for Health and Wellbeing and I am inviting you to nominate.

With the generous support of Unison and the Aneurin Bevan Society, the 2015 Bevan Prize will once again be awarded to an individual and an organisation who have made an outstanding contribution to the advancement of health and wellbeing in the UK while also embodying the founding principles of the NHS. These two awards are based on nominations and a third award for lifetime achievement will be made at the judges’ discretion.

Nominations are now open until Monday 11th May 2015 and are sought from a broad range of individuals and organisations who have made a positive contribution to health and wellbeing in the UK over the last year.  The Prize also seeks to recognise and celebrate individuals and organisations that are working to ensure equality of access and equality of health outcomes in the UK – the founding values of the NHS.

Information about the prize, the nomination process, timeline and nomination forms can all be found on the Bevan Foundation website.

A panel made up of  David Brindle, Public Services Editor, The Guardian; Baroness Finlay of Llandaff; and Jaselle Williams, Bevan Foundation trustee, will adjudicate the nominations and award the 2015 Bevan Prize in July at a reception in the House of Commons.