Proposed amendments to Britain’s Global Role

Public Health

These amendments relate to the Britain’s Global Role consultation document.

Page 5

Delete last paragraph

Line 39 insert “Challenges to high levels of health status can increasingly arise from factors external to the UK. These include the ongoing need to control or contain contagious diseases now more easily transported around the world, and the need to reduce the number of “failed states” that give rise to increasing numbers of refugees forced to seek safety in other countries – including the UK. Labour should see part of its foreign and aid policy in the light of the contribution it can make to protecting the health status of the UK.”

Page 7

Line 31 insert:” Labour should ensure that:

  • the likely health impact upon service personnel and their families of any conflict is taken into account when  considering the use of  military force and the nature of that use
  • the post conflict care of servicemen and their families is planned for and fully resourced from the defence budget
  • the NHS is fully prepared- at all levels – to recognise the signs of ill health arising from military service and to provide an adequate response.