Financial Report 2012


Audit  Report  to  the  2013  SHA AGM

Opening Balances, 1 January 2012            £25,782.84

Closing Balances, 31 December 2012       £19,147.70

Decrease in funds at bank                              £6,477.77

Discrepancy                                                             £361.49

We have examined the vouchers and bank statements for the financial year 1st January to 31st December 2012. We are content that all monies received and expended have been properly paid and accounted for. We have seen all cheque books, bank receipts and statements.  The vast majority of payments and receipts are now received electronically. The account both captures expenditure as it is incurred and actual expenditure when paid.

We are satisfied that the Association’s finances remain healthy.  The discrepancy of £361.49 shows a positive balance. We believe the Association’s reserves are sufficient to give the Council more than six months protection against foreseen liabilities.

It was noticeable that more members are quite properly claiming their expenses for increased levels of activity within the association.  2012 was a campaigning year, and our events were not expected make a profit. We made a loss on events of more than £2500.  The Association has invested £3000 in consultancy and a planned upgrade of its website which is now beginning to generate additional activity and income. Our subscription and affiliation income amounts to £25000 and this covers the core costs of our Manchester office.

Tom Fitzgerald
David Mattocks

Lay Auditors February 2013

 Income and Expenditure

2011 2012 2013 2011 2012 2013
Income Income Budget Expenditure Expenditure Budget
Administration £1,934.00 £2,166.33 £1,700.00
£14,061.00 £14,418.50 £14,500.00 Subscriptions
£9,744.00 £9,794.00 £9,800.00 Affiliation fees £1,393.00 £1,370.00 £1,340.00
£295.00 £680.00 £500.00 Donations
£207.00 £10.80 £0.00 Tax/bank £5.00 £5.06 £5.00
Equipment £429.00 £636.90 £100.00
£272.00 £170.00 £200.00 External events £2,454.00 £1,988.95 £1,500.00
Members expenses £808.00 £1,083.85 £1,200.00
£10.00 £135.00 Officers expenses £634.00 £426.15 £450.00
£1,247.00 £615.84 £1,000.00 Post Phone Web £1,478.00 £3,568.96 £1,000.00
£135.00 £43.75 £100.00 Publications £534.00 £351.00 £350.00
Room hire £261.00 £376.00 £250.00
£0.00 Salary £16,052.00 £17,316.96 £17,320.00
£3,857.00 £1,688.49 £3,000.00 SHA events £4,264.00 £4,282.59 £4,500.00
sundry £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Consultancy £863.00 £1,083.85 £0.00
£431.00 £486.00 £200.00 Goods for sale £2,130.00 £14.25 £0.00
£30,259.00 £28,042.38 £29,300.00 Total £33,239 £34,671 £29,715