Annual General Meeting 2006

1. Apologies for absence: Dr John Beal, Prof Mel Chevannes, Prof June Clark, Lesley Pavitt, Lawrie Nerva, Ged Taylor, Rosie Winterton MP, Mike Young

2. Minutes of the AGM 2005

 3. Matters arising not elsewhere on the agenda

 4. Chairs report. Annual Report and accounts

 5. Report of the auditors

 6. Constitutional Amendments:

A Meetings of Central Council:

Present wording:

10 e) The Central Council shall meet bi-monthly. Agendas shall be sent out two weeks beforehand.

10 f) Between bi-monthly Central Council meetings, the elected Honorary Officers will be responsible for the running of the Association.

Proposed wording

10 e) The Central Council shall normally meet quarterly.

10 f) Between Central Council meetings, the elected Honorary Officers will be responsible for the running of the Association.

B Vice Chairs

Present wording

10 a) The Central Council shall consist of the principal Honorary Officers (Chair, 2 Vice-chairs, Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Secretary), twenty directly elected members, branch delegates (see below), and a representative from each nationally affiliated organisation.

Proposed wording

10 a) The Central Council shall consist of the principal Honorary Officers (Chair, Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Secretary), twenty directly elected members, branch delegates (see below), and a representative from each nationally affiliated organisation. The Council may elect Vice Chairs from amongst its members.

7. Nominations a) elected by ballot of members

Chair: Dr Paul Walker,  Secretary: Huw Davis,  Treasurer: Gavin Ross

Vice Chairs(2 – subject to amendment above): Patrick Vernon, David Pickersgill, Mike Roberts, Tina Funnell

Central Council (20 places to be filled): Mike Roberts, Dr Suresh Pushpananthan, Christine Dore, Judith Blakeman, Christine Hay, Rosemary Ross (minute taker), John Lipetz, Joy Mostyn, Dr Doug Naysmith, David Pickersgill, Rita Stringfellow, Tina Funnell, Derek Marcus, Diane Hayter, Mike Young, Melanie Johnson, Ged Taylor, John Price, Chris Bain, Dame Jane Roberts (20 nominations received)

Each branch is entitled to at least one representative. West Midlands have appointed David Mattocks, London have appointed Patrick Vernon and Tom Fitzgerald, Scotland have appointed Ali Syed and Dave Watson, West of England have appointed Paul Walker

Each nationally affiliated organisation is entitled to a representative. Unison have nominated Christine Durance. Amicus have nominated Gail Cartmail.

 Nominations b) elected at the AGM

Auditors (2): Tom Fitzgerald, David Mattocks

Delegate to Labour Party Conference 2006: Tina Funnell

Labour Party NEC: Diane Hayter, Ali Syed

Delegates to Socialist Societies Executive

Labour Party National Policy Forum (3): Melanie Johnson, Patrick Vernon

8. Proposed affiliations to other organisations:

Labour Party centrally and Regional Labour Parties



Patient Information Forum

Keep Our NHS Public

9. Resolutions: (none received)

 10. Paper on the New Dental Contract

 11. Paper on National Health Service: Organisational Issues

 12.    Election procedure:

Surprisingly, there is currently no agreed procedure for handling contested elections of honorary officers.

It is proposed therefore that where more than one candidate is proposed and seconded for an honorary officer post the following procedure should be adopted:

1. Three weeks before the date of the AGM all members are circulated with details of the candidates and asked to send their votes in a sealed envelop  marked “SHA Elections”  to the SHA Director. The details of the candidates should include a brief statement – not more than 200 words – giving whatever information the candidate considers appropriate to persuade members to vote for them.

2. At the AGM the Director will present all received sealed envelops to be opened by him in the presence of a nominated member of Central Council. The identities of those voting will be recorded – but not their votes – and these will be published subsequently on the website so that all voting members can check that their vote has been registered. The numbers of votes cast for each candidate will also be recorded and reported to the AGM. This information will also be published on the website for the information of all members.

3. Votes not received by the day before the AGM will be deemed void

Proposed calendar of meetings of Central Council:

2006: 8th July (York), 14th October

2007: 13th January, 14th April (AGM), 14th July, 13th October