I am presently a Director in NHS Wales’ National Informatics Programme and prior to this held a number of senior general managerial positions in acute services.
I am a socialist who is a member of the Labour Party and I am Chair of Cardiff West CLP. The Assembly Member for Cardiff West is Mark Drakeford, who was previously the Welsh Health Minister and is currently the Welsh Finance Minister. I actively support the Socialist vision of the NHS he promoted whilst in the Health portfolio and which has been continued by his successor. I am actively engaged in the devolution movement and am proud that Wales has used its powers to maintain an integrated, planned Bevanite NHS free of markets, competition and any significant private sector involvement. If re-elected I would campaign to achieve a similar model across the United Kingdom, as I feel that the privatisation of the NHS in England is not just an injustice to the people of England but a threat to the whole of the UK. I will attend meetings and seek to ensure the SHA continues to pursue the socialist objectives it was established to achieve.