Richard Grimes

Picture of Richard Grimes
Richard Grimes

The only advantage of having a long term condition is that for 40 years it means I have seen the NHS from the inside – as a diabetic, literally from the sharp end. This has given me a perspective of the strengths and weaknesses of the service from those who use the service. The NHS is nothing, if it is not a patient-centric service, treating everyone equally and available when patients need it. I believe that the nation’s high approval for the NHS comes from its recognition that universal, comprehensive healthcare can only come from a publicly funded, publicly provided service. I campaign to retain an equitable service and to prevent a deterioration into two-tiers where an ability to pay delivers better access.

I am serving my second term as a publicly elected Foundation Trust governor, where I take an active role holding the trust board to account; as a patient-elected governor, I strive to engage with patients to effectively represent them. I am also active as a patient representative at my local Clinical Commissioning Group. This is a crucial time for patient representation at CCGs since commissioners are reconfiguring services principally to save money and the patient voice is vital to maintain access and levels of service.

I write for False Economy and I speak at conferences like Netroots UK and CLASS on campaigning for the NHS.

I’ve been an active member of the Central Council this year, most recently sitting on the governance working group looking at the association’s constitution.

I am a member of the Kenilworth and Southam Labour Party and last year stood (unsuccessfully) for election to Warwickshire County Council. For two decades I have been a member of the NUJ as a freelance writer.


I do not work, and have never worked, for any organisation or company that provides healthcare, or services to the NHS. My wife works in the accounts department for a charity that provides training for asthma nurses.