I have previously been a member of the Central Council and I was Chair of the SHA when we contributed strongly to opposing the Health and Social Care Act, and we built strong links to the Labour Party and campaign groups. I fully support continuing with these links and building on the 2017 Labour Conference policy position and the SHA supported Motion.
As a part of the Shadow Health Team I assisted the Labour Party with developing the excellent 2017 Manifesto and with the programme for government which would have implemented the return to a public service model for care as championed for many years by the SHA. I continue to be involved with many groups in working through how a radical approach could reverse the impact of austerity, privatisation and fragmentation of our care services; restoring proper public accountability.
I work supporting the UNISON national officers on fighting outsourcing and privatisation and have taken part over recent years in numerous disputes and negotiations across the country – currently we are fighting outsourcing through subsidiary companies in many NHS Trusts.
I have previously been Chair of an Ambulance Service and of an Acute Trust and have in the past held various other positions in the NHS and the wider care system. I have also worked in the NHS in the devolved nations and believe we must do far more to learn from their experiences of a better organised approach.
I am a member of Managers in Partnership and regularly work for UNISON but I do not have any interests in any health or care organisations of any kind. My wife is a Labour Councillor and long standing Cabinet Member for Housing and Health.
Richard Bourne
10 Stoneleigh Park, Colchester, CO3 9FA
07802 865409 01206 571238

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