The Socialist Health Association has a unique role in the labour movement: combining modern, intelligent policy with deep roots in the movement’s history. I was proud to serve on the Central Council for the first time last year, and, if re-elected, I will continue to contribute to the SHA’s core work: ensuring Labour has the right policies to drive out inequality in health.
My professional background is in statistics. I have worked with the full range of administrative data in secondary care, including activity and finance, national audit, maternity, cancer, ambulance, performance including waiting times, and quality data such as the safety thermometer. I am a graduate statistician fellow of the Royal Statistical Society and member of the Radical Statistics Group.
Last year I represented the SHA at Young Labour’s Policy Conference, where I moved a successful motion on mental health policy, which was developed collaboratively with our young members, and rooted in the excellent work of our policy commission. I also spoke as a member of the SHA to Manchester Labour Students and to CLP audiences.
This year I have been one of SHA’s auditors, and also contributed some campaigning material. I hope to continue all these activities in the coming year, as the SHA continues to build on its expanding membership, refreshed body of policy, and effective interventions in Labour forums such as the national conference.
Declaration: Employed full-time by University College Hospitals NHS FT.