I was a Clinical Scientist (medical physicist in old terminology) for 35 years during my working life. Now retired. I was awarded an MBE By the Queen in 2004 for my community work in Scotland.
Was a candidate at the 1997 General Election for Labour in the Argyle and Bute Constituency – a traditional Liberal constituency – but increased the Labour vote by 13%.
While working as a Clinical Scientist at Western Infirmary, Glasgow I was a Nalgo (Unison) Representative on the Administration Committee. I was responsible for making the Western Infirmary a ‘No Smoking Zone’ in the 1970s. This was later expanded to all the other hospitals in the Greater Glasgow Health Board. This became a policy initially for all Scottish hospitals and eventually nationally in the UK in the 1980s. In the 1990s I was responsible in standardising Electron Therapy dose in collaboration with my colleague John Law of Edinburgh Western General Hospital and also in Nuclear Medicine for Radio-iodine131 therapy. This was extended to USA, Canada and European countries and eventually the whole world.

Ali Syed born 18 November 1934 died 25 August 2014