Monday, 1st February, 1932
Got up at 6.30. Girls caught the 7.50. Took Pa’s breakfast up to him. Made beds and did the usual Monday tidying up. Pa busy with letters etc., all morning and most of afternoon. Wrote to Mike. Mrs. Willmott came in after tea and I went back with her for a bit. Finished reading Conrad’s Rover to myself tonight and also finished Brigit’s “Dozen”.
Tuesday, 2nd February, 1932
Took breakfast upstairs. Spent all morning making doll’s bed etc for Betty. Welwyn called for eggs, sent 35 dozen. Had rather lazy afternoon – papers, garden and so forth. Read to Mrs. Willmott from 6 to 8. Came home, supper, pa tience, bed.
Wednesday, 3rd February, 1932
Pa came down to breakfast at 8.30. I spent the morning patching and darning Kate’s skirt. Got lunch for 12.15. Pa went to town by the 1.5. Finished Kate’s skirt, wrote to Mrs. Dalglish, went and read to Mrs. W from 6 to 7.30 after having tidied myself, then drove to Prestwood and supped with the Aunts, and we all did a lot of sewing and knitting and talking. Pa picked me up on his way from the station at midnight. Came home and drank tea and read evening paper.
Thursday, 4th February, 1932
Rather late in waking. A lovely day, very sunny. Packed and sent Brigit’s parcel. Spent some time in garden, gathered vegetables etc., Wrote a long letter to Edith, also Mr. Moreton. Didn’t go to Mrs. Willmott’s because she was listening in to German. Pa and I both washed our hair when we came to bed! Telephoned to Mrs. Dalglish and to Kate today.
Friday, 5th February, 1932
Usual morning, hens, sewing cooked dinner, cleaned my frock and mended stockings etc., Wrote to Willie Buchanan and paid several bills. Pa went down to Missenden and Prestwood to buy papers and collodian etc. Made beef and ham rolls after supper and came to bed very late.
Saturday, 6th February, 1932
Pa and I went to town by the 10.14 – bought his coat and hat and my shoes. Went to the flat and saw girls and had some lunch with them, they were going to Birmingham for a dance. We went to see Mrs. Dalglish and found her very cheerful and as delightful as ever – she is off to Nassau next Tuesday. Came home by the 4.10, had some food and went to read to Mrs. Willmott till about 9 p.m. Read and dozed by the fire till bedtime.
Sunday, 7th February, 1932
Didn’t go to church. Pa and I had a quiet day. I made some toffee which was a failure! Wrote to Michael. Girls got home about 7 and we had a meal. Both had baths and Bel went to bed. Kate, Pa and I had a game of bridge.
Monday, 8th February, 1932
Katie and Isobel went by the 8.20. Usual morning of tidying up. Started to get things straight for tomorrow’s Labour Party meeting. Felt very tired and headachy all day. Started repairing Kate’s coat and Pa’s pyjamas.
Tuesday, 9th February, 1932
Busy morning cutting bread and butter and arranging flowers etc., for Labour Party Meeting. Rather a frost – only 2 from Kingshill and 2 Aunts from Prestwood, Mrs. Wise and Mr. Underwood and 2 from Chalfont St. Peter. Had a very pleasant afternoon – a nice tea and collected names of people to call on.
Wednesday, 10th February, 1932
Went to St. Anne’s for 7.30 service. It has been very cold for a day or two and we had snow today. Pa went to town by the 12 train. I mended a second pair of pyjamas for him. Sent Mike his watch – did some sorting of letters and papers. Wilfred, Mason and Trixie killed 4 rats! Pa returnerd at 7. Yesterday poor old Rupert was found lying dead at the front gate, most obviously knocked out by a beastly car.
Thursday, 11th February, 1932
Rather late this morning – snow everywhere. Mr. Drain came about 10.30 and took up most of the morning. Pa went to town by the 3.6 and returned at 8.30. I went to read to Mrs. Willmott from 6 till 8.30. Started Angel Pavement. Came home and got supper ready. I have finished repairing two pairs of pyjamas for Pa. Hot water pipes got wonky this morning, had the plumber to put them right.
Friday, 12th February, 1932
Got up at 7.30, very virtuous. Took Pa tea and got breakfast ready, fed hens and gathered vegetables. Cooked lunch – had a short snoozle after it! Cup of tea and Pa and Wilfred left for Cambridge – address at University Labour Club. Snow and ice still on ground. I went to read to Mrs. Willmott about 7 and returned at 8.30. Had supper, did laundry and wrote. Pa got home at 1 a.m. and we came to bed at 3.15!
Saturday, 13th February, 1932
Got up at 8.15. Gas gone wonky, long time getting breakfast. Girls didn’t come home as they were going to a party. Pa and I had a sleep after lunch to make up for last night! Slight thaw today and not so cold. We both spent a good deal of time writing. He started on his shelves in the old “music” room – came to bed about 1 o’clock, bath, not in bed till 2.15
Sunday, 14th February, 1932
Got up at 8.20. Isobel came home at one. Lovely sunny morning but rather foggy afternoon.
Monday, 15th February, 1932
UP on the stroke of 6.30! Isobel got the 7.50. Took Pa tea, he came down for breakfast. Mr. Drain came to start work and we moved furniture etc. Went to see the Aunts in the afternoon. Kate came home on the 6.27. Had a game of bridge after supper baths and bed rather late.
Tuesday, 16th February, 1932
Kate went by the 8.20.
Thursday, 18th February, 1932
Pa and I went to Whitby.
Friday, 19th February, 1932
Returned from Whitby with Marjorie. Isobel arrived home same time as we did.
Sunday, 21st February, 1932
Marjorie and I went to St. Anne’s at 8.
Monday, 22nd February, 1932
Pa and I went to Swindon. Stayed night at Mrs. Beck’s.
Tuesday, 23rd February, 1932
Returned home. Wilfred met us at Reading. I drove to Aunts to fetch Marjorie home. Pa at Swindon tonight, returned about 11.
Wednesday, 24th February, 1932
Marjorie in bed seedy – Chris and Brigit arrived about 7. Pa again at Swindon.
Thursday, 25th February, 1932
Chris and Brigit went to town today.
Sunday, 28th February, 1932
Brigit and I went to church at 8.