The Socialist Health Association is a campaigning membership organisation. We promote health and well-being and the eradication of inequalities through the application of socialist principles to society and government. We believe that these objectives can best be achieved through collective rather than individual action.
We commit:
a) To work for a Socialist, fully free, fully comprehensive, fully publicly funded, fully publicly provided, and fully publicly run national health and social care service of the highest standard, both preventative and curative, in the United Kingdom, and accordingly to oppose the privatisation, outsourcing and private financing of any aspect of the national health and care service.
b) To provide means by which those concerned about health may assist in formulating Socialist health programmes and policies for the Labour Party.
c) To provide information and policy on health and social care issues to the public, the Labour Party, and public bodies within resource constraints and as agreed by Central Council.
d) To demonstrate the relationship between environmental conditions, poverty, inequality, access to transport, and ill health, and to work for improvements in economic, housing, transport, nutritional, industrial, and environmental conditions.
e) To promote and disseminate the principles of Socialism, that is, the common ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange.
f) To assist in the election of Socialists to public bodies and positions within the Labour Party.
g) To establish relations with and offer mutual assistance to Socialists in other countries, including without limitation Socialist members of health and social care services.
h) To work for the extension of democracy into the health and social care service.
We campaign for a joined up healthcare system which reduces inequalities in health and is accountable to the communities it serves. We are affiliated to the Labour Party. Until 1980 we were called the Socialist Medical Association.
We arrange and support conferences and public protests.. We publish policies and reports.
This is a relatively large socialist society, and we have useful resources. Chiefly we have our members – several thousand across Britain and some overseas including doctors, nurses, therapists, dentists, managers, pharmacists, academics, scientists, patients and citizens. We have local branches. Organisations can affiliate and a number of local Labour Parties and union branches do.
The Socialist Health Association is a private company limited by guarantee without share capital, Our Business Address is 160 City Road, London, England, EC1V 2NX
Please note that the SHA only accepts blogs from its members and contributions that align with the SHA’s policies from non-members. No other blogs (paid or unpaid) are accepted.