Latest SHA polices:
- Prevention and Public Health – SHA policy 2019
Comprehensive policies:
- 2015 Policy summary
- Proposed Amendments to Labour Policies June 2014
- Proposals for Labour policy on the NHS 2014
- Improving the Health of the Nation; a policy for the NHS and its partners 2012
- Impossible Challenge – Where do we go with Labour Party Health Policy in 2012?
- A Socialist Plan for Health Irwin Brown 2011
- SHA Five Year Plan 2010
- Coalition Health Policies resolution 2010
- Response to the Coalition White Paper on Health
Public Health:
- Prevention and Public Health – SHA policy 2019
- Towards a policy submission on Public Health 2014
- Submission to the Health Committee enquiry into Public Health
- Response to Public Health White Paper: Healthy Lives and Healthy People
- Response to the National Wellbeing Debate
- Health Inequalities Policy Statement
- Evidence to the Health Committee enquiry into alcohol March 2009
- Submission to Sustainable Communities Policy Commission February 2008
- Unequal from the start February 2008
- Repeal and Replace Health Act 2012
- The Future of the NHS in England
- Statement on Foundation Hospitals 2010
- Marketisation of the NHS
- National Voices statement on hospitals, community care and patient involvment
- Creating a locally democratically accountable and planned, not market driven, NHS
- Whistle Blowing Submission to the Labour Party Policy Commission September 2009
- Submission to the Prime Minister’s Commission on Nursing and Midwifery August 2009
- Whose NHS Is It Anyway? discussion paper October 2008
- NHS Constitution – response to consultation October 2008
- Topping up the NHS June 2008
- Submission to the review of policy relating to patients who choose to pay privately for drugs not funded on the NHS
- Free Market Stalinism February 2008