We have a page of stuff about food, but this page addresses the other side of the equation – the balance between calories in and energy out. As this graph shows, the problem is not that we are eating more – its that we don’t use up the calories in the way we used to when most people did physical work. The answer to obesity and exercise is not in making people go to the gym. It’s in active travel policies. Cycling and walking are inexpensive and can be incorporated into daily life.

- SHA Meetings about obesity and exercise in the UK Autumn 2004, October 2007
- Active Travel Publications
- ACLS Heart Healthy Guide to Preventing Obesity
- Americans ‘sicker’ than their English counterparts May 2006
- Association for the Study of Obesity
- BHF National Centre for Physical Activity and Health
- Change4Life – eat well, move more, live longer
- Commission for Integrated Transport
- Department of Health guidance
- Department for Transport Active Travel Strategy
- Dieting for Dollars An economist explains his weight-loss plan. Jan 2008
- Eat Local -Think Global – SHA Conference March 2007
- Evidence – Interventions to promote physical activity
- Fat scan shows up health risk
- Fitbug
- Forecasting obesity to 2010
- Foresight – Tackling Obesities: Future Choices October 2007
- Health Select Committee report on Obesity May 2004
- Health Survey for England 2008 focused on physical activity and fitness. Adults and children were asked to recall their physical activity over recent weeks, and objective measures of physical activity and fitness were also obtained
- Healthy Weight, Healthy Lives A Cross Government Strategy for England 2008
- Living Streets
- National Child Measurement Programme
- National Obesity Forum
- NHS has to take some of the blame for obesity, says councillor
- Obese children ‘reject surgery‘
- Obesity (BMJ)
- Obesity through the Eyes of the Obese Heather Pollitt
- People in Hartlepool demand help with Child Obesity May 2004
- Prognosis in obesity BMJ 2005
- Report of the Irish National Taskforce on Obesity May 2005
- Shoving and doing nothing on child obesity (masquerading as nudging) – Health Policy Today
- Super Size Me
- Tackling Obesity in England
- The man who invented exercise – Professor Jerry Morris 2009
- Understanding obesity in a changing food environment
- Weight Concern
- Why Exercise Won’t Make You Thin