Unequal from the start: How can we give babies a fair chance of health? Submission to the Labour Party Policy Forum February 2008
See also our page on poverty and health inequality
- 15% of Neets die within 10 years 2009
- The Acheson Report 1998
- Black Report 1980
- Bradford District Infant Mortality Commission
- Campaign 2000 – End Child Poverty in Canada
- Campaign Against Child Poverty – Toronto
- Can current policy end child poverty in Britain by 2020? JRF 2006
- Child health at risk in the economic crisis: what can we do? 2012
- Child Health Informatics Centre
- Child Poverty Action Group (UK)
- Child Poverty Action Group Inc. of Aotearoa – New Zealand
- The child poverty map of the UK
- Child Rights Information Network
- Child wellbeing and income inequality in rich societies: ecological cross sectional study BMJ 2007
- Children’s Commissioner for Wales
- Children’s Defense Fund USA
- Children’s Plan 2007
- Combat Poverty Agency – Ireland
- Countering child poverty BMJ 2001
- Department of Child Health Leicester
- Eldis Children and Young People Resource Guide
- End Child Poverty
- Ending Child Poverty and Transforming Life Chances – John Hutton 2006
- Ending child poverty: everybody’s business
- Estimating the costs of child poverty
- Every Child Matters
- Families USA
- Financial cost of social exclusion: follow up study of antisocial children into adulthood 2001
- Gene links breastfeeding to higher IQ
- Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital and the Institute of Child Health
- Health and Income Equity University of Washington
- Health inequalities politics and policy under New Labour UK 2000
- Health Variations Programme
- HM Treasury – Child Poverty
- Income Inequality and Mortality BMJ 2000
- Indications of Public Health in the English Regions: Child Health
- Inequalities in Access to Maternity Services Health Committee 2003
- Injuries in children aged 0-14 years and inequalities 2005
- London Child Poverty Commission
- Measuring Child Poverty (pdf)
- Narrowing the Gap – Fabians 2006
- National Centre for Children in Poverty (USA)
- National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit
- North East Child Poverty Commission
- Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
- SHA policy on child poverty
- Social Exclusion and Health Politics Included 2000
- Social Justice website (USA, mostly)
- Surestart
- Tackling the Problems of Poverty, Environment, and Health: Tackling indoor air pollution
- Tax Credits
- Turning the Tables: Transforming School Food SHA Evidence for the Development and Implementation of Revised School Lunch Standards October 2005
- Unequal from the start: How can we give babies a fair chance of health? SHA Conference 2008
- What will it take to end child poverty? Joseph Rowntree
- Youth Policies in the UK – Chronology