The Socialist Health Association does much of its campaigning in the labour movement that is the unions and the Labour Party. We work with those holding public office such as MPs, Members of the Senedd and Members of the Scottish Parliament and London Assembly. We recognise the key roles of our councillors particularly in delivering social care, public health, support for families and teenagers.
We acknowledge the vital importance of the social determinants of health. Health can not be reduced to good hospitals and primary care (important as this is) its about the quality of housing, food and the huge stresses placed on people by a society run for the interests of business not people. The crisis in social care not only prevents the NHS for functioning properly but will condemn possibly millions to struggle with insufficient care and support. Health, crucially, is also about the environment.
Socialists created the NHS and we believe it will take socialists to defend it and take its principles into society at large. This is why you will find SHA members not only writing policy papers but also on union picket lines and marching on the streets with health campaigners and environmental activists.

Watch the speech proposing Health Composite 15 at Labour Party conference 2022 from SHA’s Coral Jones:
While we recognise the historic achievements of the Labour Party and encourage members to participate fully in the party. We view ourselves as a ‘critical friend’ of many labour movement bodies.
The importance of the trade unions is huge – we strongly urge our members to participate in this wing of the movement. The Trades Union Congress is their umbrella organisation.
An important NHS focussed campaign which we are part of is SOSNHS.
Health Campaigns Together is a coalition which we support. It attempts to bring together all the campaigning organisations around the NHS. On their site you should be able to find details about what is going on in your area.