Public health priorities

Public health priorities

You can review the presentations from our recent conference on public health: Maggie Rae Jenny Mindell Robin Ireland Ben Barr Paul Lincoln James Nazroo David Pencheon We asked each speaker to propose no more than five priorities. Some of them, happily, coincided and I’ve only chosen one where their seemed to be a substantial overlap.  … Read more

Developing Labour health and care policies

Supporting the Labour health team was what the Socialist Medical Association was set up to do.  It was our President, Somerville Hastings, who proposed the resolution at the Labour Party conference in Southport in 1934 to establish a National Health Service.  We’re proud of that moment.  And we’re proud that our resolution on the future … Read more

Universal Credit? Never heard of it

The roll out of Universal Credit started in 2013, but the Department of Health doesn’t seem to have noticed. People entitled to Universal Credit who had net earning of less than £435 in a month should get free prescriptions and dental treatment on the same basis as  people in receipt of other means tested benefits. … Read more

Payment by results

George Duoblys thought provoking essay,  One, Two, Three, Eyes on Me! in the current edition of the London Review of Books describes the application of new public management techniques and competitive markets in education.  The teaching he describes appears to be entirely teacher centred.  It may be successful in getting more pupils into universities, but … Read more

UK National Debt in historical perspective

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Democratic Unionist Party health policy

A world class health service Health matters to each and every one of us in Northern Ireland. All of us, either directly or through a close friend or family member, rely on our Health and Social Care system on a regular basis. The importance of Health and Social Care to everyone in Northern Ireland has … Read more

Health and Care Services in Manchester

The announcement in February 2015 that local councils in Greater Manchester would be given a say in the management of the NHS in the conurbation generated a lot of publicity. This is an attempt to make sense of what has happened since. The announced devolution of powers in relation to the NHS doesn’t amount to … Read more

Get the truth

Election video

Saving the NHS and Social Care

Extracted from the Liberal Democrat manifesto. The NHS and social care services are in a state of crisis. The Conservatives have left them chronically under-funded, while need continues to grow and patient care suffers. Social care is facing a funding blackhole of £2 billion this year alone and more than a million older people are … Read more

Conservative Manifesto on Health and Care

Extracted from the Conservative Manifesto The mental health gap It was Conservatives in government that gave parity of esteem to the treatment of mental health in the National Health Service. We have backed this with a significant increase in 57 funding: since 2010 we have increased spending on mental health each year to a record £11.4 … Read more

Healthcare for all

The health and care section of Labour’s manifesto. In the aftermath of war and national bankruptcy, it was a Labour government that found the resources to create a National Health Service – our proudest achievement, providing universal healthcare for all on the basis of need, free at the point of use. Labour will invest in … Read more


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