Radical Statistics (Radstats): 2019 Annual Conference & AGM

Radical Statistics (Radstats): 2019 Annual Conference & AGM

Radical Statistics  (Radstats):  2019 Annual Conference & AGM Liverpool:  Saturday  23  February  2019 Inequalities  and  the  Life-course  – the  Impact  of  Austerity  across  Generations Key questions for this conference include: How do inequalities affect life chances?  What effect has austerity had on inequalities across generations?     Does austerity affect younger cohorts differently than older ones? How does this differ across social groups, class, gender, etc.? … Read more

Director’s Report

I’ve spent the last two months working on our contact lists so we can comply with the General Data Protection Regulations. I contacted most of the 36,000 people on our database.  That reduced the number to around 31,000.  Some people wanted to leave our database, many emails bounced, but 1300 wanted to stay on our list.  … Read more

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Health in the local elections

The introduction of Accountable Care Organisations – or whatever they are called this week – brings a lot of talk not only about integrating health and social care, but also about local accountability.  The accountability seems to be more about accountants than about democracy, but in principle local elected councillors could have a voice in … Read more

Health and Social Care: Tackling health inequalities

This is the document presented to the Labour Party National Policy Forum in February 2018. Labour’s vision This year sees the 70th Birthday of Labour’s National Health Service; a service set up to provide universal healthcare for all, to improve people’s physical and mental health and crucially, to reduce inequality in our society. Over the … Read more

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Socialist Health Association Accounts 2017

NB it has not been possible to audit the accounts in time for the AGM. An audit report will be produced for the Central Council. Income £33,005.05 Expenditure £30,311.98 unattributed income £0.00 Surplus £2,693.07   31.12.2016 31.12.2017 Cash at Bank 14 Day £23,910.26 £27922.28 Instant £0.00 £0.00 Paypal £1,488.27 £181.96 Current £1,137.54 £996.44 Total £26,536.07 … Read more

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Paying for over the counter items

In 1948 the leaflet distributed to every household about the forthcoming NHS said “Your doctor will give you a prescription for any medicines and drugs you need.” In 2018 NHS England is conducting a consultation which proposes to restrict prescriptions of over-the-counter medicines for 33 minor, short-term health concerns. About £569 million is spent each … Read more

What can councillors do about health?

Our meeting yesterday at the Labour Local Government Conference captured on video Labour Local Government Conference from Policy Review on Vimeo. Chaired by Steve Bullock, Lewisham Speakers: Cllr Tina Dopson, Essex Cllr Margaret Eames-Petersen, Hertfordshire Cllr Paul Brant, Liverpool

Protected: Labour Party’s 2018 National Youth Elections

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Taking politics out of the NHS? Or constructing an elitist ‘consensus’?

“Our manifesto was a key reason for our gains in the 2017 general election. Now its ideas need to be developed and radicalized”. —Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell At the Labour Conference following the election result, emboldened delegates “voted historically and unanimously for complete renationalisation of the NHS in England” – in the words of Alex … Read more

Annual report 2017

2017 was a good year for the Association.  We saw a big increase in our membership and our new Chair  managed to organise a resolution about the NHS which was carried unanimously by the Labour Party conference to great acclaim.  We finally managed to make some progress on our policy discussions, both internally and in discussion … Read more

Minutes of SHA Central Council January 2018

Sheffield Quaker Meeting House 13 January 2018 Present: Mike Roberts. Tony Beddow, Peter Mayer, Vivien Walsh, Rene Smit, Lawrence Cotter, Steve Bedser, Brian Fisher, Irene leonard, Gurinder S Josan, Alison Scouller, Alex Scott-Samuel In attendance:  Martin Rathfelder, John Carlisle, Deborah Cobbett, Dave Shields, Simon Duffy, Jim Steinke Apologies for absence: Caroline Walsh, Jean Hardiman Smith, Helen … Read more

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Annual report 2017

2017 was a good year for the Association.  We saw a big increase in our membership and our new Chair  managed to organise a resolution about the NHS which was carried unanimously by the Labour Party conference to great acclaim.  We finally managed to make some progress on our policy discussions, both internally and in … Read more