Alison Scouller speech

Alison Scouller speech

For everyone who couldn’t make the Conference, here is Alison Scouller’s ( Vice Chair ) speech. An audio file is also posted. Jean Hardiman Smith Hello Alison Scouller here, sorry I can’t be with you. These are my thoughts to accompany the SHA discussion document before you. We decided to write this policy as part … Read more

Jessica Ormerod speech

For everyone who couldn’t make the Conference, here is Jessica’s speech to our Fringe meeting on the future of Women’s health that I referred to earlier in a members email. Jean Hardiman Smith   Thank you for inviting me to speak to you today. My name is Jessica Ormerod. I run a research and information … Read more

Dr Coral Jones of the SHA at the Labour Party Conference 2018

For those who were unable to attend Conference, here is Dr Coral Jones speaking at the conference. Jean Hardiman Smith

Re: The Labour Party Conference 2018, Liverpool

To all members, comrades and friends on behalf of the Officers and Executive: First, I would like to thank Judith Varley for the tremendous support she gave me at the Conference as a disabled companion. It was extra good having an active and interested SHA member as a plus to our usual allocation of 2. … Read more

Medical Aid for Palestinians

Abdallah al-Qutati: Family and colleagues of third paramedic killed in Gaza speak out 17 August 2018 In Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP)’s latest film, the family, colleagues and friends of 22-year-old first responder Abdallah al-Qutati, who was shot dead by Israeli forces last week, speak out about the circumstances of his killing and their demands … Read more

National Health Service (Co-Funding and Co-Payment) Bill 2017-19

National Health Service (Co-Funding and Co-Payment) Bill 2017-19 Type of Bill:          Private Members’ Bill (Presentation Bill) Sponsor:          Mr Christopher Chope Progress of a Bill House of Commons First reading, Second reading, Committee stage, Report stage, Third reading House of Lords First reading, Second reading, Committee stage, Report … Read more

Obesophobia – by George Monbiot

Obesophobia Posted: 16 Aug 2018 11:27 PM PDT In 1976, we ate more than we do today. So why are we fatter? By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 15thAugust 2018 When I saw the photo, I could scarcely believe it was the same country. The picture of Brighton Beach in 1976  featured in the … Read more

on the Centre for Welfare Reform website

Principles for a National Health Service One of the Centre’s friends, Jack Czauderna, recently shared this with us: Dr Julian Tudor Hart, who has recently died, was a pioneering GP who inspired generations of health workers. He coined the term Inverse Care Law in 1971 which asserts: “The availability of good medical care tends to … Read more

‘Worst ever’ July A&E performance shows collapse in NHS standards under Theresa May

LATEST figures on A&E waiting times reveal the “astonishing” collapse in NHS standards under Theresa May, Labour said today. Monthly statistics for July 2018 published by NHS England show that just 89.3 per cent of people attending A&E were seen within four hours, well below the 95 per cent target. That dismal performance means NHS … Read more

Do Larger Physician Practices Provide Better Care at Lower Cost?

The Commonwealth Fund The Issue How medical practices are organized and structured keeps changing. But as more practices merge and more physicians sell their practices to hospitals, we don’t have a good understanding of whether, and how, these factors affect the quality and cost of health care. Using 2012–2013 data from the National Study of … Read more

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BMA Press Release

New BMA poll show nine out of ten doctors regard latest government pay award as “unacceptable” A BMA poll of more than 12,000 doctors in England shows that nine out of ten regard the recent pay offer from the government as unacceptable, while a similar number believe that their morale has worsened in the wake … Read more

Categories BMA

Consultation events on government plans for dismantling England’s NHS

Consultation events in Birmingham, Exeter, Leeds, London on government plans for dismantling England’s NHS

Categories NHS