Support for North East Labour MP.

Support for North East Labour MP.

David Taylor-Gooby, Secretary of the North East Branch, has asked us to put this information on the website. Dr Williams is a respected as a hard working MP, with a reputation for honesty and integrity.  He is an SHA member, in fact the only NE MP in the SHA.  He still practices as a GP.  … Read more

Contributions at Labour Conference from our delegates, officers and CC members

Report back from the Labour Party Conference, Brighton September 2019 SHA Central Council members spoke to two Composite motions at conference and to a Reference Back. Saturday 21 September. For the Many Not the Few. As some of you may know our delegate Andy Thompson was taken seriously ill on the Friday before the Conference.  … Read more

NHS veiled cuts

Very quietly the NHS in North West London has asked GPs and other prescribers to reduce prescribing of medicines and products (under the pretext of promoting ‘self-care’) that can be purchased without a prescription. (List) The medicines patients are now advised to obtain over the counter include: vitamin D, skin creams, nasal sprays (like Beconase and saline … Read more

Health Campaigns Together: December Newsletter

Dear HCT affiliates, Please find below our December newsletter. We at HCT wish you all a hearty seasons greetings and look forward to a prosperous new year. Make our NHS Safe for All Campaign Safety in the NHS in terms of safe staffing and provision is a key talking point in our campaigning, especially going … Read more

HCT Follow-up meeting

A coalition to defend #ourNHS Follow-up meeting Thursday December 13, 13.30 – 16.00 at Carr’s Lane Conference Centre Birmingham, B4 7SX Please let us know if you will be attending, by emailing reclaimsocialcare   . Jan Shortt, NPC General Secretary Gill Ogilvie, GMB regional organiser Reclaim Social Care Conference Nov 17, Birmingham Speakers included … Read more

Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill update

Response to the concerns we have expressed on the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill. As my colleague stated (6 and 7), we cannot take our eyes off the ball on this. The Chair of the Relatives and Residents is an SHA member and some of you may have heard her speak at meetings/conferences our organisation either … Read more

Call for action for a democratically accountable, membership led SHA

April 2014 Call for Action—for a democratically accountable, membership led SHA The Socialist Health Association’s January Central Council (CC) and March AGM have highlighted serious issues of governance and accountability within the SHA, problems which remain to be addressed. The AGM did not adopt either the Treasurer’s or the Auditor’s report and merely noted the … Read more

Categories .

Chipping Barnet CLP – Contraceptive motion for AMM

Chipping Barnet CLP notes that access to contraception is a fundamental human right underpinning equality, impacting on the health, structure and prosperity of both society and families. The 2012 Health and Social Care Act disadvantaged women, separating much of the funding for contraceptive care from the NHS by moving the responsibility for commissioning into Local Authorities, with … Read more

Social Care Conference 17th Nov in Birmingham

  Reclaim Social Care Conference 17.11.18 final flier Full details also on the Events page. Please circulate as widely as possible.

A Bit of Fry and Laurie: Young Tory of the Year

For your entertainment.

The World Transformed: Speech given by Jean Hardiman Smith SHA Secretary

Saving the NHS: Planning our fightback Few people know that the North West of England can proudly lay claim to be the conception point of our NHS. It was here at the 1934 Labour Party Conference that the party accepted a paper on the creation of a National Health Service by Labour politician, surgeon and … Read more

Waiting for Jeremy’s speech at the LP conference 2018 in Liverpool.

  Waiting for Jeremy: Wavertree Chair Alex Scott-Samuel and other invited Merseyside activists on stage awaiting the Leader’s Speech at #Lab18 Note the SHA tee-shirt.