Keep Campaigning

Keep Campaigning

The idea of clinicians standing as NHS Candidates and opposing sitting MPs or Councillors sounds attractive but success by single issue candidates against the political machines of the established parties are rare and only possible when a major local issue (like closure of a hospital) is very visible and obvious to the electorate. But the … Read more

What the NHS means to me

Joan Hibberd, age 91, shares her memories of the start of the NHS in 1948. Before the NHS started the doctor’s man called every Friday to collect six pence, which paid for any medicine which was needed. Joan’s children were born before the NHS started.  She had to pay for a maternity nursing home, and … Read more

The New NHS

Speech to Reform Conference Tuesday 12th February 2013 by Liz Kendall MP, Shadow Minister for Care and Older People It’s a week since Sir Robert Francis published his report on the failings at Mid Staffordshire Hospital. And – let’s not forget – three months since the Government produced its final report into the scandal at Winterbourne View. Whilst … Read more

The Liberal Democrat view of the Competition regulations

Dear xxx Thank you very much for your recent email with regard to the new regulations from the Department of Health – Statutory Instrument 257 under Section 75 of the Health and Social Care Act 2012. I wish to assure you that we Liberal Democrats have absolutely no intention of allowing the Conservatives to smuggle … Read more

Basic principles of the German health care system

This explication of the German health care system is derived from presentations by Prof. Karl Lauterbach, Member of the Bundestag and Director of the Institute of Health Economics and Clinical Epidemiology University Hospital, Cologne. German Health Care System – Basic Data Germany has about 82 million inhabitants, of these  72 million (50 million members) are covered … Read more

Key issues concerning the country

Ipsos MORI’s Issues Index is conducted monthly and provides an overview of the key issues concerning the country. As they say:  At fifth place both NHS and Education are seen as among the most important issues facing the country (20% and 19% respectively) and both have increased by a fraction since January. For much of Tony … Read more

Patient Voice?

Community Health Councils  were set up in England and Wales in1974 when  community  health services were moved from local authorities into the NHS.  During the 29 years of their existence they developed  confidence in challenging the NHS locally and nationally. An official national Association of CHCs in England and Wales was established with funding which … Read more

No more crook’s tours to pick up UK benefits, Lilley pledges

Peter Lilley’s speech to the Conservative Party Conference as reported by the Guardian 7th October 1993 ACTION to crack down on foreigners’ ability to claim social security benefits were announced by Peter Lil­ley, the Social Security Sec­retary, in his speech to the conference. Mr Lilley said that claim­ants from abroad would be prevented from obtaining … Read more