Policy on Mental Health 1988

Policy on Mental Health 1988

The Socialist Health Association set up a Working Group on Mental Health in 1986. This resulted in a discussion paper “Goodbye to all that? – the Politics of Mental Health”, published in March 1988. Following consultation throughout the Association, the Central Council of the SHA adopted the following policy points at its meeting on 25 … Read more

Memorial meeting to David Stark Murray

Wednesday 10th May 1978 7 p.m. in The Grand Committee Room, Westminster Hall, House of Commons, London, S.W.I. Dr. Maurice Miller, MP, Chairman of the Parliamentary Labour Party Health Group took the chair and represented the Labour Party. In opening the proceedings Dr. Miller said it was fitting that the memorial meeting to Dr David Stark … Read more

Mental Health – Crisis or Stagnation

Mental Health seminar held on SUNDAY 23 MARCH 1975 at the ASSEMBLY HALL, UNITY HOUSE, EUSTON ROAD, LONDON NW1. Reported by Mr. T. W. HURST, F.H.A., A.C.I.S. Published by SOCIALIST MEDICAL ASSOCIATION 9 Poland Street London W1V 3DG Tel: 01439 3395 INTRODUCTION The chair for the morning session was taken by Dr. David Stark Murray, past President of … Read more

To measure NHS progress

Fabian occasional paper 8  This paper is based on the sixth Somerville Hastings memorial lecture delivered at Ruskin College, Oxford on the 7 March  1974 by Sir Richard Doll, Regius Professor of Medicine at Oxford University. The lecture was endowed by the Socialist Medical Association. This   pamphlet,   like  all  publications  of  the   Fabian   Society, represents not the collective view … Read more

Julius Lipetz — a profile

If you speak to any active member of the S.M.A. about Edinburgh they will automatically think of, and almost certainly speak of, one person, Dr. Julius Lipetz, general practitioner, activist and model of activity. Those who have read these Profiles will have observed one thing the subjects have in common, that they are never men … Read more

SMA Weekend School 1971

The S.M.A.’s weekend school was held this year from 17th to 19th September at the Pollock Halls of the University of Edinburgh. It was attended by almost one hundred people, and gave an oppor­tunity for S.M.A. members from Scotland and elsewhere to meet and discuss many aspects of the Health Service and plans for the … Read more

Wanted a Socialist Health Service

WANTED– A SOCIALIST HEALTH SERVICE An SMA discussion document. Probably 1966 ” . . , it is essential to struggle, not merely for particular advances in particular fields, but for a socialist advance in the National Health Service as a whole.  We believe that democratic Regional Health Authorities can provide the basis for this advance and … Read more

The Guillebaud Report

REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF ENQUIRY INTO THE COST OF THE NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE Presented to Parliament by the Minister of Health and the Secretary of State for Scotland by Command of Her Majesty January 1956 Cmd. 9663 MEMBERSHIP OF THE COMMITTEE: C. W. GUILLEBAUD, Esq., C.B.E. (Chairman) Dr. J. W. COOK, F.R.S. Miss B. … Read more

Memorandum on the British Health Centres

Undated. probably 1955 General Observations ‘There are now 12 Health Centres in Great Britain. These all provide general practice service in addition to the usual variety of local authority facilities which vary from centre to centre. The smallest number of GPs engaged in any centre is at Darbishire House in Manchester (4 GPS). The largest … Read more

The Future Of The Health Services

After five years of experience of the N.H.S. we are becoming increasingly convinced of the need for closer integration of the preventive and curative aspects of medicine.  This need for co-operation and integration should affect training for the service as well as the actual service itself. Though the public has benefited to a great extent … Read more

The Friends of the Hospital

By Leslie Hilliard 26.9.1952 Before 1948 local interest and popular support was directed almost entirely to the few large and many small voluntary hospitals.   Little or no interest was shown in the municipal hospitals owing to their Poor’Law ancestry.   It was usual for the medical profession and the public to react emotionally to the two … Read more

The Recruitment Of Personnel To The Health Services

Memorandum to the Health Group of the Parliamentary Labour Party 1947 The Association welcomes the opportunity to set before the Health Group of the Parliamentary Labour Party its views on the increased recruitment of personnel needed for training as health workers.   Though it seems clear that a greater number of personnel will be required to staff … Read more