Adults’ Access to Care, 2010

Adults’ Access to Care, 2010

From International Profiles of Health Care Systems, 2013: Australia, Canada, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States

Report on SHA Web presence 2013

Our website was established in 2000 and is one of our key assets. We decided in 2011 to move our site onto more interactive technology and we migrated the existing content into WordPress between May and November 2012.  This gave us the opportunity to introduce a live blog and other features, but it means that … Read more

The Clocks Go Back Tonight

Poems by Carol Batton our Official Poet

The Walworth Clinic, Southwark: ‘the Health of the People is the Highest Law’

This article has been republished as requested by Dr Tony O’Sullivan, co-chair KONP This is reproduced by kind permission from the wonderful  Municipal Dreams blog.   @MunicipalDreams The pioneers of the Socialist Medical Association started by taking over the health functions of the London County Council, and were deeply committed to the idea of Health Centres … Read more

Directors Report Jan 2014

Since the last Central Council I have been involved in discussions with the other Socialist Societies in London and Manchester about how we might assist with the campaigns round the May elections to local councils and the European Parliament. Several societies are enthusiastic about the idea of organising joint public seminars or hustings. Equality North … Read more

Public Opinion on the NHS

Ipsos Mori have just published Understanding Society – Great Britain: The way we live now. It’s got a big section on health and Public Opinion on the NHS. The proportion of the population agreeing that the NHS ‘will face a severe funding problem in the future’ has increased to 88% When 1,009 people were asked if … Read more

Life Expectancy

The Government’s proposals to increase the Retirement Pension Age have at last focused political attention on the increase in life expectancy which has been rising steadily since about 1860.  It the UK it has been increasing by about five hours a day and there seems no reason to for the increases to stop any time … Read more

Categories .

Trust Special Administration

This is an official Department of Health briefing on the effect of the proposed clause 118 of the Care Bill CLAUSE 118 OF CARE BILL – TRUST SPECIAL ADMINSTRATION Issue This briefing explains why the statutory duties of NHS England and clinical commissioning groups to involve and consult patients and the public in planning and … Read more

International comparison of cost sharing in health care

The OECD has produced a nice online tool for comparing health and healthcare systems between countries. The table below is reproduced in The cost of our health: the role of charging in healthcare by Thomas Cawston and Cathy Corrie November 2013 which argues that charging for visits to GPs is the way to solve the problems of the NHS. … Read more

The future of the NHS? Lessons from the market in social care in England

Executive summary This was first published by the The Centre for Health and the Public Interest where the full paper is available and is reproduced by permission. The authors are Marianna Fotaki, Sally Ruane and Colin Leys The market in social care services in England provides the best available example for policy makers of what happens to the quality of care … Read more

Measuring the Health of Nations

These graphs show  international rates of “amenable mortality”—that is, deaths from certain causes before age 75 that are potentially preventable with timely and effective health care     From E. Nolte and C. M. McKee, “Measuring the Health of Nations: Updating an Earlier Analysis,” Health Affairs, Jan./Feb. 2008 27(1):58–71.

Expenditure on healthcare compared with outcomes

Date from OECD Countries 2010