New funding for the NHS

New funding for the NHS

It’s obvious that the NHS will only survive in anything like its present form if new sources of income and ways of reducing demand are found. Lord Warner is only the latest to suggest some sort of flat rate charge on patients.  We have had repeated calls for charges to visit your GP or increased … Read more

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Result of SHA Election 2014

Chair: Mike Roberts :35 Doug Naysmith:94 Secretary: Chris Bain  : 89 Tony Beddow : 36

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Rights involve responsibilities for patients

In the United Kingdom every citizen has the right to medical care. No longer limited to palliation, this care has become increasingly curative and even preventive as a result of the increase in knowledge that has accumulated from experience of the conditions that gave rise to its need. Rights, however, do not exist in a … Read more

Director’s report to AGM

2013 was, objectively speaking, quite a good year for the Association. Membership numbers continued to grow.  Our online presence developed.  Our relationship with the Labour health team and with the main health unions was friendly and constructive.  Despite the difficult financial situation we managed to make a small financial surplus.  Our subscription continues at the … Read more

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Bed Occupancy: Trusts Operating at Dangerous Levels

This is  Labour Party  NHS Check 9  originally published by Labour’s Shadow Health Team in 2013 Cameron’s NHS: Hospitals ‘full to bursting’ REVEALED: Hospitals across England too full and patient care put at risk Official NHS figures for winter 2012/13 show that: Every hospital trust in England operated above recommended safe occupancy levels on a … Read more

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The NHS and the private sector

Andy Burnham in Wythenshawe 7 February 2014 said: “The NHS has always had a kind of pragmatic relationship with the private sector – to relieve pressure. because obviously you can at one point you can only have a certain amount of resource within the NHS capacity in the NHS. There have been times when the … Read more

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Everything is thought about apart from the patient

Student doctor, pharmacist and nurse from Wythenshawe Hospital explain what working in an NHS hospital is like today. Wythenshawe Forum with Andy Burnham and Mike Kane

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Andy Burnham on Public Health

Recorded in Wythenshawe Forum with Mike Kane 7th February 2014 Andy: “There is a broader point about cuts in local government.  You are going to be forced to cut all the things that promote good health in the community. Swimming pools, leisure centres, things that keep people healthy, or mentally health – libraries. All the … Read more

Financial Report for 2013

2013 Audit   Report to the 2014 SHA AGM  Opening Balances, 1 January 2013                                  £19,147.70 Closing Balances, 31 December 2013                               £19,475.50 Increase in funds at bank                                                        £248.29 Discrepancy                                                                                  £79.44 We have examined the vouchers and bank statements for the financial year 1st January … Read more

Smoking in Cars with Children

Annual Report 2013

Performance measures There is a separate report on online activity. Membership numbers: Broken down by membership class Membership 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Insufficient subs 44 31 27 25 25 Current 573 609 642 651 677 reminder1 14 44 68 56 23 reminder2 32 55 28 38 28 No address 13 11 10 10 7 … Read more

Minutes of Central Council Meeting 23rd November 2013

Apologies: Gavin & Rosemary Ross, Dr Tony Jewell, Mike Young, Mike Grady, Ali Syed, David Pickersgill,  Dr Hannah Cooke, Melanie Johnson, Matthew Prior. Present: Mike Roberts, John Lipetz, Shibley Rahman, Barrie Brown, Chris Bain, Rachel Harris, Eric Watts, Patrick French, Thomas Fitzgerald, Caroline Molloy, Richard Grimes, Steve Adshead, John Kolm-Murray, Tony Beddow, Noemi Fabry, Huw Davies, … Read more