Socialist Health Association Central Council Minutes

Socialist Health Association Central Council Minutes

Minutes of the  meeting held at Birmingham Midland Institute 26th April 2014 Present: Robert Buckley, Richard Bourne, Doug Naysmith, Sarah Edwards, Alex Fraser, Gavin Ross, Tony Beddow, John Lipetz, Brian Gibbons, Katrina Murray, Richard Grimes, Tony Jewell, Judith Varley, David Pickersgill, Chris Bain, Joe Farrington-Douglas, Peter Mayer, Hannah Cooke, Philip Hunt, David Mattocks, Brian Fisher. … Read more

Foundation Trusts

The Co-operative Party are proposing an amendment to Labour’s Health Policy see the Your Britain website. Insert on pg 6 at line 42: “In 2003 the previous Labour government established Foundation Trust Hospitals in England with the aim of making hospital services more accountable to local communities by giving Trust members a real say over … Read more

Labour’s public health policies

Shadow Cabinet Sub-Group – Society (March) Public Health This document was published by the Daily Mail, but it appears to be genuine. This paper looks at four big drivers of population health that are the focus of much public health, policy, and which must be priorities for the next Labour Government: Physical activity Food consumption … Read more

Labour’s nanny state plan for drinkers

The Daily Mail claims to have a copy of proposals from the Shadow Cabinet subgroup on health. They say the Labour health blueprint includes: A total ban on the current £300 million sports sponsorship by drinks firms. Minimum alcohol price to stop ‘pre-loading’ by young drinkers. Banning supermarkets from selling drinks near the door, or sweets … Read more

This May Hurt a Bit

I went  to see an interesting play, This May Hurt a Bit, about the NHS in Bolton three weeks ago and thoroughly enjoyed it.  It is mostly about the politics of the NHS in England. I especially enjoyed the appearances of Nye Bevan, Winston Churchill and the Grim Reaper.  It’s on at the St James Theatre … Read more

Proposed amendments to Labour Mental Health Policy

The health document to which these amendments relate  is on the Your Britain website.  At present these are merely proposals from various members which the Association is considering.  They are not yet agreed. Page 10 line 37 add after “people”: “and at least one in 10 children” line 38 add: “The state of the nation’s … Read more

Income Distribution and Poverty

This is  based on a press release from the revolutionary socialists of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development The shares of the richest 1% in total pre-tax income have increased in most OECD countries over the past three decades. This rise is the result of the top 1% capturing a disproportionate share of overall … Read more

Breaking the Link between Disability and Poverty

 Report to the Labour Party by the Disability and Poverty Taskforce This is the report of the Independent Taskforce on Disability and Poverty, commissioned by Liam Byrne MP in his role as Shadow Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, and chaired by Sir Bert Massie. The views expressed in this report are those of … Read more

Proposed amendments to Labour Health Policy

The document to which these amendments relate  is on the Your Britain website.  At present these are merely proposals the Association is considering.  They are not yet agreed. Page 3 Line 40 insert ” Austerity at the same time as cutting the welfare state kills people. We need to invest more in the NHS which … Read more

Categories .

Work Capability Assessment

I spent yesterday afternoon with the Labour Party Disabled Members Group discussing their ideas about the future of the Social Security system.  This was a group of people who rely on benefits in various ways, some to enable them to get to work, and some for everything.  When I get their  proposed amendments to the … Read more

Ideas for Labour Public Health Policy

These ideas have not been agreed by anyone at present.  They could be part of our contribution to the development of Labour Public Health Policy. For that purpose they need to be very concise. The supply of tobacco products to anyone born after 1.1.2000 is made an offence under the Misuse of Drugs Act Remove … Read more

Defending the Welfare State

This article is based, with his kind permission, on a presentation by Prof Martin McKee at Sandwell Health’s Other Economic Summit 2014.  This event in the romantic setting of Dudley brought to mind very clearly the industrial and post-industrial history of the West Midlands. Disraeli described “Two nations between whom there is no intercourse and no … Read more