NHS Groupthink

NHS Groupthink

Dr David Oliver’s ten examples of solutions to the NHS’s problems which are widely accepted but backed by little or no evidence. More details in his  Health Service Journal article. 1. We have too many hospital beds and the very existence of these beds drives activity into hospitals 2. The tariff drives hospitals to admit too many … Read more

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National Policy Forum Report

Selected health amendments endorsed at Labour’s National Policy Forum in Milton Keynes 18-20 July 2014. This report is not comprehensive. A set of fully amended documents will be available on the Labour Party’s Your Britain website.  Each paragraph is a separate amendment. Only the most significant are included. They will be cobbled together into a coherent … Read more

Visitor & Migrant NHS Cost Recovery Programme

Extracts from the Implementation Plan 2014–16 The programme is subdivided into four main phases of work, these are:  Phase 1: Improving the existing systems  Phase 2: Aiding better identification of chargeable patients  Phase 3: Implementing the migrant health surcharge. The introduction of the health surcharge is being managed by the Home Office.  Phase 4: Extending charging Who … Read more


Text of letter from Ignacio Garcia Bercero, director of the USA and Canada division in the European commission to Rt Hon John Healey MP, Member of Parliament for Wentworth & Dearne 8 July 2014 Dear Mr Healey, When we last met in March, you asked me to explain how the Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations … Read more

What do the public think about the NHS?

The Health Service Journal organised a poll of 2000 voters across England in June. They found that 70% of those questioned agreed that the principle of healthcare free at the time of delivery was under threat.  Of course no politician has actually proposed such a thing, but the idea is repeatedly raised by people within … Read more

Reforming the NHS from within

These are the key points taken from Chris Ham’s very interesting  Reforming  the NHS  from within Beyond hierarchy, inspection and markets: It is time to bring about a fundamental shift in how the NHS is reformed, learning from what has and has not worked in England and elsewhere. Politics and policy work on different cycles, which results … Read more

The NHS Plan 2015

These are the principles of the NHS Plan 2000 to which the great and good signed up and they were the basis of Labour’s revival of the NHS. Oh and the extra money. Would we change them now? 1. The NHS will provide a universal service for all based on clinical need, not ability to pay. … Read more

Health Policy Amendments

Amendments submitted to the Labour Party’s Health Policy proposals   Health Policy Amendments

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National Insurance a bad way to pay for the NHS

We started off paying for the National Health Service via National Insurance Contributions in 1912. Lloyd George’s slogan –  9d for 4d – was only the first of many attempts to pass off National Insurance as a pain free alternative to taxation.  The impression was created that by paying contributions people were building up a … Read more

Amendments to Labour Policies

The Association is entitled to propose 10 amendments to the Labour Party’s proposed policies.  These are the amendments we are planning to propose after discussion at our Central Council last week. (there are 12 listed as we hope to cooperate with another affiliated society).  Suggestions for improvements are welcome, but each amendment is limited to … Read more

Socialist Health Association Central Council Minutes

Minutes of the meeting held at Unite, Holborn 7th June 2014 Present: Robert Buckley, Richard Bourne, Doug Naysmith,  Gavin Ross, Tony Beddow, John Lipetz,  Katrina Murray, Richard Grimes,  Chris Bain, Joe Farrington-Douglas,  Hannah Cooke,  Brian Fisher, Jos Bell, Barrie Brown, David Taylor-Gooby, Alison Scouller, Patrick French, David Davies, Vivien Giladi, Shibley Rahman, Tom Fitzgerald, Patrick … Read more

Proposed amendments to Your Britain for consideration 7th June 2014

Proposed amendments to Your Britain for consideration 7th June 2014

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