Briefing for Prospective Parliamentary Candidates

Briefing for Prospective Parliamentary Candidates

Socialist Health Association Briefing for Prospective Parliamentary Candidates September 1991 This briefing selects aspects of the NHS reorganisation which the SHA sees as most damaging to the fundamental principles of the NHS. It aims to fill in the background to the crisis in the NHS and to address matters which affect the public. The Background The … Read more

Aims of the Socialist Medical Association

The Socialist Medical Association exists to defend and extend the National Health Service. Formed in 1930, the SMA affiliated to the Labour Party. Within twelve months, the policy of creating a National Health Service was Labour Party Policy. When Nye Bevan was charged by the 1945-50 Labour Government with the organisation of the NHS, the … Read more

National Health Service Reorganisation: England

Presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Social Services by Command of Her Majesty August 1972 LONDON HER MAJESTY’S STATIONERY OFFICE 68p net Cmnd. 5055. Contents Foreword by the Secretary of State for Social Services Section THE REORGANISED SERVICE: THE MAIN FEATURES I Unification … II The Consultative Document III Services within and … Read more

Peckham and Architecture a drama of building and people

  The Bulletin of the Pioneer Health Centre, Peckham Vol 3 no 5 September 1949 This month, Robert Furneaux Jordan, F.R.I.B.A., has kindly undertaken to write our editorial column. Readers will know him as Principal of the A.A. School of Architecture, and as an architect, lecturer, broad­caster and writer of international repute. Architecture is, in … Read more

The Pioneer Health Centre

PECKHAM, LONDON affiliated to the National Trust for the Promotion and Study of Health Address inquiries to The Secretary 8k Hyde Park Mansions London, N.W.I. Tel. Paddington 6358. You should read the book ‘The  Peckham  Experiment‘ By Innes H. Pearse And Lucy M. Crocker Published By Geo. Allen & Unwin, Ltd., 5/-. price 6d. (1)    WHAT IS HEALTH? Health is … Read more

Ministry of Health Act, 1919

9 & 10 GEO. 5. CH. 21. An Act to establish a Ministry of Health to exercise in England and Wales powers with respect to Health and Local Government, and confer upon the Chief Secretary certain powers with respect to Health in Ireland , and for purposes connected therewith. Be it enacted by the King’s … Read more

Draft Policy summary

For discussion at our Central Council on 1st November.  Not yet agreed. The SHA stands for a care system (for England) which is an integral part of our public services, providing world class care but also helping to reduce inequalities in health, wealth and power.  Policy should be guided by the social determinants of health. … Read more

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Labour’s Health and Care Policy Summary

Summary of the policy agreed by the Labour Party Conference in September 2014, leaving out rhetorical phrases that all politicians love and just including operational commitments.  No significant words have been added.   Bring together physical health, mental health and social care into a single service to meet all of a person’s care needs, with a focus … Read more

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Memorial tribute for Ali Syed

Labour’s Health and Care Policy

Introduction The National Health Service is the Labour Party’s greatest achievement; an institution that embodies the bonds that tie us together and the responsibility we owe to each other as citizens. We created it, we saved it, we value it and we will always support it. A lot has changed since the NHS was first … Read more

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Private provision of NHS services

A department of health spokesman told the BBC yesterday  : “Use of the private sector in the NHS represents only 6% of the total NHS budget – an increase of just 1% since May 2010.  Charities, social enterprises and other healthcare providers continue to play an important role for the NHS.” This figure seems very … Read more

Elitist Britain

Highlights from the report of the Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission – a rare study of the rich and influential. Research conducted by the Commission found that 65% of people believe ‘who you know’ is more important than ‘what you know”. Alan Milburn’s Foreword This report from the Commission on Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission examines … Read more