Liz Kendall. Blairista?

Liz Kendall. Blairista?

Liz Kendall, Shadow Health Minister, gave an interview to The House magazine last week.  It caused a stir in some places, so we are reproducing some of what she said.  Though we should add that she has been saying pretty much all this for the last 3 years. ON…BACKING A PRIVATE SECTOR ROLE IN THE NHS … Read more

Picked Up, Patched Up and Sent Home

 Why I Love the NHS by Carl Walker All royalties from the sale of this book will go to the NHS Support Federation Publishing 27 February 2015 • Paperback • £9.99 • ISBN: 978-0-7198-1443-3 To request a review copy, or for all other publicity enquiries contact Sarah Plows: ● 020 7251 6551 ● ‘One … Read more

Public spending on Health

Graph showing public spending on health in the UK from 1949 to 2014 by  Anita Charlesworth of the Health Foundation.  This is taken from her excellent briefing: NHS finances: the challenge all political parties need to face Her conclusion is that NHS funding needs to grow slightly faster than GDP. 2.9% a year compared to 2.3% … Read more

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What does the public think of the NHS

Lord Ashcroft has conducted some interesting research into the views of the public on the NHS.  It’s a substantial piece of work with a poll of over 20,000 people and day-long discussions with 80 members of the public. He found discussing the practicalities of the future of the health service was hard because the subject is … Read more

The Care system in England

Policy summary 2014 This is not intended to be a new statement of policy.  It draws heavily on the document we agreed in 2012 – Improving the Health of the Nation; a policy for the NHS and its partners. It attempts to draw out some of the unanswered questions, particularly arising from the proposal to … Read more

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Annual report summary 2014

Jetpack report on our website

Social Care

Extract from the Labour Party policy summary December 2014 The growing social care crisis is one of the biggest challenges we face as a society. Since 2010, £2 .7 billion has been cut from budgets that pay for adult social care while the number of older people needing care has increased. The result is that the system is … Read more

An NHS With Time To Care

Extract from the Labour Party policy summary December 2014 David Cameron promised that under the Tories there would be no topdown NHS reorganisation. He broke that promise. They have wasted £3 billion on an upheaval which puts profits before co-operation and patient care, and ties hospitals up in competition law. This wasteful and chaotic reorganisation is having a … Read more

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Changing Britain Together

Extracts from the Labour Party policy summary December 2014 LABOUR WILL: 1. Raise the Minimum Wage to £8 an hour and ban exploitative zero hour contracts 2. Freeze energy bills until 2017 while reforming the broken energy market 3. Cut the deficit more fairly by asking those earning over £150,000 to contribute a little more through a 50p rate of tax 4. Get at … Read more

Eight Myths about the NHS

These myths were presented by Dr Nigel Speight to the SHA meeting in Stockton on 22nd November 2015 “We can’t afford the NHS” Yes we can! This myth is based on the claim that the increasing age of the population is posing an insuperable burden on the NHS. The unstated implication is that we should withdraw … Read more

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Health Policies for 2015

The political parties have not yet produced their manifestos for 2015.  This is a round up of  their current statements about health policy. Labour’s Health and Care Policy is in detail on this site. The Conservative Party website doesn’t seem to say anything about health at all, and nobody in the Conservative Party now wants … Read more

Deaths from Heart Attack in England

Your chance of dying from a heart attack has about halved over the last ten years. But is this down to prevention or treatment? Your chance of having a heart attack is down about 30%  Your chance of dying if you have a heart attack is down by about a quarter Determinants of the decline … Read more