Hospital Porters

Hospital Porters

Tells the story of those who work in one of the most unnoticed and unappreciated sectors of the British National Health Service. This short documentary offers a unique insight into the joint notions of life and death through the men whose job it is to deal with them on a daily basis. Made in  Royal … Read more

Junior doctors strike Tuesday

Map showing where pickets will be at 8am In the West Midlands in North London and the East Midlands:  

The #juniordoctors fight is the battle for the NHS

On Saturday 14 November, at the Unite the Resistance conference, Yiannis Gourtsoyannis from the BMA made an appeal for trade unionists and campaigners across the movement to support the junior doctors in their fight against Jeremy Hunt’s junior contract. Strike dates have been announced by the BMA (see below), pending the outcome of their ballot … Read more

Crisis in care

It is obvious that the NHS is facing difficult times with the financial constraints impacting on safe staffing and the quality of care.  But it is still functioning well most of the time – the ambulance arrives, emergency care is still generally excellent, you can get to see a GP, you will get your hospital … Read more

Public Health policy review

We’ve been discussing health policies for 85 years now.   When we start thinking about what policies we should be putting forward now it seems sensible to review the policies we already have to see if they are still relevant. Public health issues don’t change as rapidly as issues around the provision of services, so … Read more

Safer, Healthier Communities

First draft of a section of Labour’s Manifesto for London. The challenge Londoners deserve to live in a safe and healthy city. But for too many Londoners, crime still blights their communities and ill health still affects some sections of the population more than others. While crime has been falling for over two decades, there are … Read more

Social inequalities in the leading causes of early death

This evidence review analyses data from the World Health Organisation’s Detailed Mortality Database, and summarises the literature to show that: the leading causes of death change across the life course there are marked social inequalities in each of the leading causes of death (within top 5 broad causes), by total number of deaths, across the … Read more

Jos Bell proposing Labour party conference resolution

Text of the resolution passed unanimously by Labour Party Conference

Labour Transport team support Space for Cycling

Shadow Secretary of State for Transport, Lilian Greenwood MP (pictured right) and Daniel Zeichner MP (right centre), Shadow Minister for Cycling joined CTC, the national cycling charity and Becky Renolds (left) of Bricycles, the Brighton cycle campaign group, for a ride in support of Space for Cycling along the Brighton sea front on Wednesday. The national Space for Cycling campaign … Read more

Labour Health Policy 2015

These two resolutions were agreed by the Labour Party Conference 2015 Composite 9 – NHS Conference notes the letter sent by the health service regulator Monitor on 3 August to NHS Trusts which stated that their current financial plans were unaffordable and asking Trusts to only fill vacancies where essential. Cipfa notes that government hopes … Read more

A Socialist Health Policy?

We are asked our members for ideas about what they thought would constitute a Socialist Health Policy, now we are allowed to discuss such a possibility.  This is a list of the issues they raised – not approved by anyone – which will feed into our discussions.  More ideas welcome! Public health and prevention The Marmot agenda especially the … Read more

Categories .

Fight for Our NHS

Our Contemporary Resolution for the Labour Party Conference: Conference notes: August 3rd letter sent to English NHS Trusts by Monitor, declaring that current financial plans are ‘’quite simply unaffordable’’ and that Trusts should fill vacancies ‘’only where essential’’ August 4th report by the Chartered Institute for Public Finance  which notes government hopes of saving £22bn … Read more