Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Socialist Health Association held in Wesley’s Chapel, London on 21st March 2009 beginning at noon.
Attendance: Brian Fisher, Huw Davies, Gavin Ross, Martin Rathfelder, Mike Roberts, Tina Funnell, Jane Roberts, Rosemary Ross, Ali Syed, Derek Marcus, Waheed Saleem, Doug Naysmith, Melanie Johnson, Michael English, Roy Oliver, Seton During, Jane Thomas, Judith Blakeman, Chris Bain, David Mattocks, George Conchie, Christine Hay, Eleanor Tunnicliffe, Dianne Hayter, Vivien Giladi, Sahera Kadim..
1. Apologies: Cllr Judy Foster, Jean Gaffin, Penny Barber, Alex Sobel, Sheila Jones, Stephanie Thomas, Lady Llin Golding, Win Griffiths, John Beal, Catherine Stihler MEP, George Conchie, Patricia Moberly, Mike Young, Lesley Pavitt, David Pickersgill, Celia Tibble, Nigel Spearing, Lilias Gillies, Lawrie Nerva, Cllr Catharine Grundy, Tom Fitzgerald, Mike Grady, Paul Crawford Walker.
2. Minutes of 2008 AGM accepted.
3. Reports: The Chair noted the influence of SHA in Wales and Scotland. He noted the need for a more developed organisational infrastructure for the SHA’s influence to spread more widely. The recession may offer opportunities to challenge marketisation and its underlying tenets. In the field of Primary Care, important questions were now being asked about its organization. The Director reported on goings on at the National Policy Forum and his view that health issues were not well understood by a number of delegates. He also reported on upcoming events and campaigns such as the Dignity in Old Age meeting at the House of Commons and the idea of sponsoring an event relating to Richard Wilkinson’s new book. (Members congratulated the Chair and Director on their energy, imagination and persistence.) The Treasurer presented his annual report and the meeting agreed that the present format of reporting was adequate. The Auditors had approved the accounts.
4. Constitutional Amendments: none moved.
5. Nominations elected by ballot of members
Chair: Dr Brian Fisher
Secretary: Huw Davies
Treasurer: Gavin Ross
Central Council (20 to be elected, not including the 3 Officers): George Conchie, Waheed Saleem, Mike Roberts, Tina Funnell, Mike Grady, Neil Goulbourne, Diane Hayter, Chris Bain, Doug Naysmith, Jane Roberts, Melanie Johnson, Paul Walker, Sally Young, Vivien Giladi, Ali Syed, Seton During, Judith Blakeman, David Pickersgill, Suresh Pushpananthan, Jane Thomas
Vice Chairs (4): Mike Roberts, Tina Funnell, Neil Goulbourne, Melanie Johnson
Auditors (2): Tom Fitzgerald
Delegate to Labour Party Conference 2009: Brian Fisher, Visitors: Martin Rathfelder, Jane Thomas, Jane Roberts.
Labour Party National Executive: Diane Hayter
Delegates to Socialist Societies Executive: Huw Davies
6. Affiliations: Labour Party centrally and Regional Labour Parties, Medact, NHS Alliance, James Lind Alliance, Drugs and Health Alliance, Smokefree Action Keep Our NHS Public, National Voices.
7. Resolutions: None received.
8. Report from KONP: The Director reported on the Leicester conference and noted that the AGM would be in June. SHA members should try to join their LINKS.
The meeting broke into groups to look at a) clinical integration and b) future direction of the SHA . On clinical integration no clear line emerged from the group but there was agreement that more work should be doe by the Chair and this should be reported back to Central Council. On Future Directions, the group had agreed that there should be a focus on lobbying and networking and perhaps, more focus on mechanisms of scrutiny.
Ordinary Central Council: Minutes of previous meeting agreed.