I was first elected as an MP in 2019. Since then, I have used every opportunity to stand up for the founding principles of the NHS. I believe that the right to free quality healthcare is a foundational principle for any humane society, and the NHS has long delivered this right to the British public.
That is why I believe that the NHS should always remain a publicly owned and funded universal service which provides the highest level of care to all.
In my time as a Member of Parliament I have stood against any attempts to break up and further privatise our NHS. I have argued for increased public investment in the NHS and its staff, with a focus on ensuring that we train and recruit more doctors and nurses to meet climbing demand and that all NHS staff receive fair pay and decent conditions at work.
I have joined junior doctors on their picket lines when they took industrial action for pay and conditions, I have stood with nurses, carers and hospital porters in their struggle to win a just settlement on both pay and conditions.
I maintain that the core of the NHS is its staff and that only by investing in the people who are the lifeblood of our healthcare system will we secure the future of the NHS for generations to come. When cleaners, porters, nurses and doctors have dignity at work and receive fair remuneration, the NHS will be able to withstand any strain it may experience.
And alongside suitable public investment in life-saving medical technology, I know that the NHS will be able to meet the future head-on and continue to provide care and assistance to all those who need it.
If re-elected as the Member of Parliament for Birmingham Hall Green and Moseley, I will continue to stand-up for the NHS and its staff and patients no matter the challenges.
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Tahir Ali is the Labour candidate for Birmingham Hall Green and Moseley
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