Kim Johnson

Labour Party

The SHA is very proud to endorse Kim who supports the NHS, its patients and staff inside and outside parliament.

She says:

Labour created the NHS, we must be the ones to defend it.

Decades of privatisation and fragmentation has done major damage to our health service, opening the door to private healthcare companies and outsourcing workers.

I am proud to have stood on my record of defending the principles of a fully funded, publicly owned national health service. And Iā€™m proud to have stood shoulder to shoulder with striking NHS workers ā€“ porters, cleaners, nurses, junior doctors and others ā€“ fighting against outsourcing and for fair pay and treatment.

Health care is a human right and I will always fight for a universal publicly owned and delivered free health and social care funded through progressive taxation.

Kim Johnson is the Labour candidate for Liverpool Riverside

Promoted by the SHA of 160 City Road, London, England, EC1V 2NX