Market testing NHS Eye Care


Norfolk & Waveney ICB are conducting a market engagement exercise, and are requesting feedback on proposed new service specifications and pathways for eye care services. These include: an overarching specification for all Ophthalmology services, and specific specifications and pathways for glaucoma and medical retina services. 

This exercise is in response to Standing Rules & Patient Choice, and the Provider Selection Regime & Direct Award Process B which came into force on the 1st of January 2024. The proposed service specifications relate to both hospital eye services and independent sector providers. Further information can be found in the briefing document: here.

It is vital that you feedback on the proposals so that you can have your say on how eye care services in Norfolk and Waveney will be shaped going forward. A questionnaire allowing you to feedback to the ICB on the proposed service specifications and pathways is provided here. The deadline for feedback is Wednesday 31/1/24 23:59 and submissions should be made via the Atamis portal as per attached instructions (see PDF) .

We appreciate competing priorities and time pressures but would request that if you wish to have your views recorded that you prioritise this work.

The public notice in relation to this market engagement exercise can be found here.

The Contracting Authority will be using an eTendering system for this market testing exercise. You can find the published documents here .

To assist in navigating the process, direct links to the documents included in this market engagement exercise are provided below.

Market Engagement Exercise documents:

1. N&W Eye Care Service Specification Feedback Brief

2. N&W Eye Care Accreditation Feedback Questionnaire

3. Doc A – Draft N&W Overarching Ophthalmology Service Specification

4. Doc B – Draft N&W Glaucoma Service Specification

5. Doc C – Draft N&W Glaucoma Service Pathway

6. Doc D – Draft N&W Medical Retina Service Specification

7. Doc E – National GIRFT AMD Pathway

8. Doc F – National GIRFT DMO Pathway

Please see the attached step-to-step guide to help you with this process.

Please email David Bailey on if you need any further assistance.

By sending this email, we aim to disseminate information regarding the market engagement exercise widely, so please feel free to share with colleagues or any individuals or organisations who may have an interest in this work.