HCT monthly news bulletin – November 2020


Hi colleagues

Attached is the pdf version latest issue of our monthly online news bulletin, which was delayed by a couple of days to ensure we could cover the announcement of the expected lockdown.

Please share as widely as you wish with members and other organisations.

If you prefer not to send (or open) sttachments, a different and more flexible version of the same issue is available on our website at www.healthcampaignstogether.com.

Please do let us know of developments in local campaigns and issues that you wish us to follow: our next bulletin will be early December, with production in the final week of November.  We hope by next issue to have details of the conference on privatisation which we are now working to organise as a result of the AGM decision.

Please note also that fortnightly news and analysis – and a searchable database of articles published so far is available from The Lowdown https://lowdownnhs.info; this is free to access, but we do urge those individuals and organisations who can afford to do so to donate towards our running costs to ensure we can continue and improve it.

In solidarity

John Lister

Health Campaigns Together
Email: healthcampaignstogether@gmail.com