Letter to Matt Hancock on profound concern over £5m cut to PrEP in England


HIV charities, community groups, health professionals and activists have today written to Matt Hancock, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care.

They write to express their profound concern at the decision to roll back the Secretary of State’s commitment on PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV) in England.

Last week it was announced that the budget provided to local authorities for the implementation of PrEP would be reduced from £16 million to £11 million.

The letter says this budget cut for PrEP jeopardises the ability to fully roll-out the most powerful prevention tool to help fulfil Mr Hancock’s commitment to end HIV by 2030.

The HIV sector has requested an urgent meeting with Mr Hancock to discuss his decision to cut funding for this important HIV prevention intervention.

Please read the letter here:

Letter to Matt Hancock from HIV sector – PrEP funding July 2020