May 2020 issue: Sexual Health, Reproductive Health & HIV Policy eBulletin and COVID-19

The May 2020 issue of the Sexual Health, Reproductive Health & HIV Policy eBulletin is out today. It contains updates on the sector’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

In the eFeature, Dame Inga Beale, Chair of the HIV Commission, talks about her work to meet the UK’s target of no new HIV transmissions by 2030 despite the significant whole system and personal challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. She highlights the value of continued engagement with the Commission as it pushes ahead with further evidence gathering.

Meanwhile, this month’s roundup brings together developing COVID-19 guidance and resources that have been produced by sector organisations, including the FSRH, BHIVA, BASHH and the RCOG.

You can see the eBulletin here: