Dear friends of the NHS
Despite the three week lock-down the government has failed to keep us safe.
@DefendOurNHS is increasingly frustrated and angry at the inadequate government response to the crisis*.
Our message is simple. We ask you to adopt it and share it as widely as possible.
The message is Test! Trace! PPE!
The hashtag on twitter is #TestTracePPE.
Let’s try to have a Twitter ‘storm’ at 5:00pm on Wednesday.
Please use this message at every opportunity when contacting family, friends and the wider public.
You might also include the message in the rainbow posters appearing in windows. Examples you can use are on our Facebook page (in the ‘files’ section’).
When you go outside to clap and bang pans on Thursday, please chant Test! Trace! PPE!
This appeal is urgent. Help us to get the word out now!
Thank you.
On behalf of Defend Our NHS
- Bottom of the international virus testing league table, no sign of systematic contact tracing, health and care staff pleading on social media (including our Facebook page) for supplies of personal protective equipment.