Joint SHA, KONP and HCT petition – NHS Frontline staff make 6 key demands

We have now launched another collaborative petition with the people at Change and have support from Health Campaigns Together and Socialist Health Association. 

It is likely other campaigns will support too in the next few days. Here is the link

Please sign and share widely. Please not only post on your own social media networks (though this is vital) but please include in your local group newsletters and prominently on your local group facebook and twitter pages – it might even be an idea to pin the post to the top of your timelines or facebook walls.

Also please take the time to write an email to your colleagues, fellow campaigners and friends asking them to sign too…

We’ve put together a model email for you to use here so it won’t take you long, it reads: 


“Dear ____

Keep Our NHS Public is helping launch a new petition putting six key demands to the government around its response to the Coronavirus pandemic. These demands cover a cross-section of our campaigning priorities, applied to the current moment of crisis  click here to read in full!

In the current climate, this petition could become absolutely huge, so we definitely need to get out the gate fast with sharing it. Please sign your name and share the petition to all possible contacts! SIGN HERE

On Twitter, we’re using the hashtags #NHS4All, #6Demands, #Covid-19, #SafetyFirst, #Coronavirus with #NHS4All as the main one.



Remember our last petition with Change received 1.3 million signatures and helped the organisation widen its reach, recruit unprecedented numbers and raise much-needed funds – so the bigger this is the better for all of us. And in this moment of isolation and likely imminent lockdown – it’s time at last to embrace, social media and digital campaigning!

Good luck and thank you from all the team.

In Solidarity

Tom Griffiths

Keep Our NHS Public

Campaigns Officer