Our People: The Great Yorkshire Conversation Part one

Campaigns NHS Social Care

Join us on September the 12th at the Quaker Meeting House, Sheffield, at 6pm.

PM Boris Johnson, on the steps of Downing Street: “My job is to protect you, or your parents or grandparents, from the fear of having to sell your home to pay for the costs of care and so I am announcing now on the steps of Downing Street that we will fix the crisis in social care once and for all with a clear plan we have prepared to give every older person the dignity and security they deserve.” July 24th 2019


Social Care: Fixing the broken system – The Marmot Review 10 years on.  Economic growth is not the most important measure of our country’s success. The fair distribution of health, well-being and sustainability are important social goals. The Marmot Report.

We invite our Yorkshire community to join this vital conversation on ensuring that, finally, a Prime Minister’s words become action. For too long successive governments have promised action and failed:

  • Labour admitted yesterday that it had failed to transform the life chances of Britain’s poorest children, despite a succession of initiatives costing billions of pounds. (The Times, February 25, 2005)
  • The Government has cut funding for childcare despite a Conservative manifesto pledge to double the number of free hours parents get, says the NAO (Independent, March 2,  2016)
  • Theresa May pledges to seek long-term solution to social care squeeze … through a properly funded social care system”. Then, in 2017. May’s opinion poll lead ahead of a June 8 election halved in two recent polls since she set out proposals to reduce financial support for elderly voters. Theresa May’s social care package fails “to tackle the biggest problem” facing elderly people, Sir Andrew Dilnot has said.(Independent, May 18, 2017)



Dr Simon Duffy, Founder of the Centre for Welfare Reform: The “what and how to” challenge to Boris Johnson based on Simon’s policy proposal for the Reclaim Social Care campaign.

A panel of experts, council members and users, will join him, with full participation from the audience.

We will agree a list of demands to present to the Prime Minister that must be included in his plan. Easy sound-bite pledges and promises of money mean nothing if there is no improvement plan.

The goal of the Great Yorkshire Conversation is to get the right government action and the right funding to put right the system that has been broken by Austerity and sticking plaster policies.