Social Care Motion

SHA Central Council unanimously passed this motion at its last meeting. Please circulate and discuss at your CLPs and wards and consider whether you want to choose this as a motion to go to conference. It is an opportunity to shift Labour policy forward. The beginning of the motion succinctly describes the current disastrous situation, deepened by this government:


England’s Social Care system is broken. LAs faced £700m cuts in 2018-9 with £7 billion slashed since 2010. 26% fewer elderly receive support, demand grows.

People face isolation, indignity, maltreatment, neglect, barriers to inclusion and independent living.

Most care is privatised, not reflecting user needs/wishes. Public money goes to shareholders and hedge funds as profits.  Service users and families face instability as companies go bust.

Staff wages, training and conditions are slashed.  Staff turnover is 30+%.

8 million unpaid, overworked family carers, including children and the elderly, provide vital support.


The second part of the motion offers a set of solutions that go beyond more funding – we are exploring routes to a socialist approach to social care and support:


Conference demands Labour legislates a duty on the SoS to provide a universal system of social care and support acknowledging a right to independent living wherever possible:

  • Based on need and offering choice.
  • Meeting the needs of all disabled, frail and sick throughout life with robust safeguarding procedures.
  • Free at the point of use, universally provided, fully funded through progressive taxation
  • Subject to national standards based on Human Rights, choice, dignity and respect for all, complying with the UN Rights of persons with disabilities, including Articles on Independent Living (19) Highest Attainable Health (25) and Education (24).
  • Democratically run services, delivered through local public bodies working co-productively together with users and carers.
  • Training to nationally agreed qualifications, career structure, pay and conditions.
  • Gives informal carers strong rights and support, including finances and mental health.


Labour to establish a taskforce involving users and carers/Trade Unions/relevant organisations to deliver the above, including an independent advocate system, and national independent living support service.

Do contact us if you need any information or advice about submitting or debating this motion. “

