Winter Crisis


Yet another important figure in the health world adds to the concerns expressed by many others about the serious  situation facing NHS England this coming winter. Niall Dickson, chief executive of the NHS Confederation, which represents all health service organisations, said that there was “an even greater sense of foreboding” this year than last.

His comments came as figures revealed that the number of the most critically ill patients waiting more than an hour for an ambulance has doubled in a year.

Mr Dickson writes “A cash injection at this stage is unlikely to solve the winter pressures, but the chancellor must revisit the pencilled in figures for 2018-19 and 2019-20, which if left as they are, would guarantee more crises and further delays to the reforms that are needed. Mr Dickson added “there has also not been enough investment in community health and social care services”!.

Many health professionals are now facing dire problems resulting from insufficient funding and the government must be held accountable for the inevitable consequences.