Minutes of SHA AGM 2017


March 11, 2017 at the Priory Rooms, Birmingham

  1. Professor Alex Scott-Samuel was welcomed and congratulated by Martin Rathfelder SHA director as the new Chair of the Socialist Health Association. He welcomed members to the AGM Priory Rooms Birmingham. Chris Bain the outgoing Chair of the Socialist Health Association and  Jane Roberts the outgoing Treasurer of the Socialist Health association were thanked for their work in Central Council and as Officers.

Professor Scott- Samuel introduced John Ashworth MP Shadow Secretary of State for Health to the members. Precis of John Ashworth’s speech circulated separately.

  1. Apologies: Dr Tony Jewell, Siôn Simon, Sid Sidhu, Sir Ian McCartney, Coral Jones, John Biggs, Cllr Stuart Bellwood, Baroness Diane Hayter, Lesley Pavitt, Christine Hay, George Conchie, Phil Gregory, Rosemary Clarke, Mike Young, Cllr Stuart Bellwood, Alan Taman, Dr Catherine Mackereth, Ed Derrick, Simon Duffy, Dr Mike Hobbs, Gavin & Rosemary Ross, Catharine Grundy, Dr Pam Wortley, Andy Thompson, Richard Bourne, David Lamb, Caroline Walsh, Colenzo Jarrett-Thorpe, Chris Bain, Sina Lari, Katrina Murray
  1. Minutes of AGM 2016: The minutes of the 2016  AGM were accepted as read
  1. Matters Arising: There were no matters arising
  1. Resignation of President: Julian Tudor-Hart has officially resigned as President. Issue submitted to Central Council for consideration.
  1. Election of Officers: Following the resignation of Dame Jane Roberts there was a vacancy for treasurer. Dr Thomas Fitzgerald was formally elected. Jean Hardiman Smith was re-elected as Honorary Secretary unopposed.
  1. Nomination for 1 vacant Central Council Place: Dr Judith Varley was formally elected to Central Council
  1. Central Council Members: Thomas Fitzgerald is no longer on the list, and Dr Varley has been added. With these exceptions members of Central Council were agreed as on the Agenda
  1. Election of Auditors: James Gill and David Mattocks were elected as Auditors for 2017/8
  1. Annual Report: (details as per Agenda)
  1. SHA Director Martin Rathfelder presented the report. He proposed stopping  printed copies of our magazine, Socialism and Health,  as it meant he had to issue copies for libraries. It was agreed to stop issuing the magazine and replace with a mail out of the most widely read articles to members without internet access.
  2. It was agreed that using the same pseudonym for various bloggers on the website would cease and in future we would credit all work of authors who did not wish to use their real names to individual pseudonyms
  3. It was agreed that issues relating to advertising should be considered by the officers.
  4. It was agreed a Working Group on the website was not required. Changes to be as simple as possible.
  1. Financial and Audit ReportMartin Rathfelder SHA director presented the report. He reported that funds are increasing. Acceptance of the Financial and Audit Report was moved and agreed.
  1. Proposed Constitutional Amendments:  The Constitutional Amendments  included in the agenda were proposed and seconded. The Amendments were agreed.
  1. Proposed affiliations to other organisations: All proposed affiliations were formally agreed. (see Agenda for list)
  1. Resolutions: None received
  1. Review of our Mission Statement and Progress of Policy Commission: The report was presented by SHA Vice President Brian Fisher:

a) It was agreed that a Green Paper is produced

b) It was agreed that the Central Council meeting on the 17th June 2017 should be a policy day meeting only.

c) It was agreed that the Green Paper should be launched at the Labour Party Conference in September.

  1. Date of next AGM: 17th March 2018
  1. Proposed meetings of Central Council:


The Chair declared the meeting closed