Hon Secretary’s report


I was elected in March 2016.

Attendance at West Midlands Branch 19/3/2016

Minutes taken for Central Council meeting in June 2016

Labour Party Annual Conference: I attended as many events as I could, and took full notes which are available. Please ask if interested.

Notes taken of our two SHA events: Democratic Accountability and The Future of Social Care. Please ask if interested.

In January 2017 I took the minutes of the Central Council meeting.

At that meeting I was appointed Women’s Officer. With Martin’s help I have set up a database and have been contacting SHA women members, in batches of 20 or so, to ask them if they found the SHA a welcoming organisation, and to find out what we could do to ensure we fully included women members and ensured their voices were heard. My next task is to collate ideas, and to contact our women members again to find out how our members would like to proceed on suggestions.

The work has kept me surprisingly busy over the last 12 months, and I am looking forward to the next 12 months of serving the members.

Jean’s posts on this site