SHA Audit Report 2016

  • Opening Balances, 1 January 2016                             £20,808.19
  • Closing Balances, 31 December 2016                          £26,527.07
  • Increase in funds                                                                 £5779.75

We have examined the vouchers and bank statements for the financial year 1st January to 31st December 2016. We have seen all the bank receipts and statements and reviewed income and expenditure. We are content that all monies received and expended have been properly paid and accounted for.

Payments and receipts are received electronically. The account captures expenditure as it is incurred and actual expenditure when paid. There has been increased income in the Paypal account from advertising and membership subscriptions which has contributed to our general funds.

We regret that the Society of Radiographers have not renewed their affiliation this year.

We are satisfied that the Association’s finances are in good order and accurately reflect the membership and activity. We believe the Association’s reserves are sufficient to give the Council more than six months protection against unforeseen liabilities. There is an accounting discrepancy of £67.63 in our favour which we have not been able to reconcile.

We have reviewed the arrangements for the electronic ballot of members and are satisfied that appropriate safeguards are in place.

Tom Fitzgerald,  David Mattocks

Lay Auditors March 2017

2016 2017 2016 2017
Income Budget Expenditure Budget
Administration £1,733.21 £1,800.00
£14,920.11 £14,300.00 Subscriptions £25.00  £0.00
£9,498.00 £9,500.00 Affiliation fees £1,341.04 £1,500.00
£85.00 £100.00 Donations £0 £200
£19.44 £10.00 Tax/bank £3.40 £3.00
 – Equipment £0 £0.00
External events £2350.40 £2,500.00
 – Members expenses £1,024,25 £2,000
 – Officers expenses £402.40 £800
£4216.62 £4,500.00 Web £563.63 £600.00
Post Phone £284.00 £300.00
£138 £50.00 Publications & adverts £358.39 £1000.00
Room hire £239.80 £700.00
Salary £12,084.00 £12,100.00
£108 £500.00 SHA events £2,077.50 £1,500.00
£90 £25 Goods for sale £0  £0
£29,075,17 £28,985 Total £23,406 £25.003